A Healthy Mom as a Key to Family’s Happiness

Semarang (10/01/2020) in the Entrepreneurship Building, fourth floor of Faculty of Economics and Business Undip, there was a 91st Mother’s Day celebration held by holding a talk show with the theme A Good Health of Pretty and Healthy Mom in a Beautiful++ Age. The speakers were Dr. dr. Renni Yunati, SpKK, FINSDV, FAADV and dr. Putri Sekar Wiyati, Sp. OG (K), while the moderator was dr. Krisma Irmajanti. This talk show was held by Dharma Wanita Persatuan Diponegoro University.

This talk show was attended by the Rector of Undip Prof. Yos Johan Utama, the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Dr. Suharnomo, the Head of DWP Undip Asih Budiastuti Yos Johan Utama, and the members of DWP.

In her speech, the Head of DWP said to every mother to take care of their health and to pay attention to their needs. At least by making themselves happy first, they can make their family happy as well afterward.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Undip, Prof. Yos Johan Utama, in his speech said, “Nowadays, the mothers’ role, especially the mothers from Dharma Wanita give a huge impact on supporting the campus activity.” He added, “A mother is a school for her children. Mother’s affection and prayer help her children to reach their success. Insha Allah, a healthy and happy mother is the key to a happy family,” he concluded.

During the talk show session, two speakers, Dr. dr. Renni Yunati, SpKK, FINSDV, FAADV and dr. Putri Sekar Wiyati, Sp. OG (K), talked about the genital and health beauty, how to take care of genital health, what to do to keep being healthy and fit, how to avoid stress, what things that make body and face look beautiful and glowing. One of the tips is by sunbathing from 07:00 AM to 10:30 AM to get enough Vit D so that the skin’s face looks glowing and healthy.

The enthusiasm from the participant was high as it can be seen from many questions asked by the participant; how to select good cosmetics, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and how to take care of the genital health.

The activity was closed by the selection of the best fashion and the giving of door prize.

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