Semarang – Just recently, Diponegoro University held a virtual halal bihalal event on Tuesday (5/26). The event was held online considering the current pandemic. Though, it does not decrease the solemnity of a halal bihalal event which is routinely held every year after Ramadan. The event was attended by Undip’s Head of Academic Senate Prof.Dr.Ir. Sunarso, MS, Vice Head of MWA Undip Prof. Dr. Esmi Warassih Pudjirahayu, SH., MS., as well as Head of Faculties, Bureaus, Lecturers, Teachers and student representatives. The event was opened with the chanting of the Quran,QS Ali Imron verses 133-135, by Ahmi Rifqi Hudaya, student of the Faculty of Medicine majoring in Nutrition.In his remarks, the Rector of Diponegoro University Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum. said Happy Eid al-Fitr 1 Shawwal 1441 H, and also apologize both physically and mentally. He further said that the current pandemic must be faced with patience and trust. “Let us remember death, because that is what drives us to become better human beings. To be able to reunite with the next Ramadhan with a better self, “he said. “Hopefully this spirit of togetherness of Eid al-Fitr will further enhance our empathy, spirit of mutual cooperation as well as our quality and work ethic,” he concluded.

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The Academic Senate’s Board of Professors at Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP)