Ayu Sabrina (International Relations Student of FISIP UNDIP), Received the Honor of Meeting the President of Indonesia and the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in Teaching Campus Program

Teaching Campus Program is one of the eight flagship programs of Independent Campus Program. In Batch I, the number of registrants as well as participants who passed stage one (administration) were 36,000 students. Then, they were re-selected through a diversity insight test, and the final participants from Teaching Campus Program were 15,000 students. This was conveyed by Ayu Sabrina, a student of International Relations Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik / FISIP), Diponegoro University who had the honor of meeting the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. She was invited as an inspirational figure to represent the 15,000 students participating in Teaching Campus Program at the beginning of last June.

Ayu received two invitations at once, first is Independent Campus talk session with the President and Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology at the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia on Monday, June 14th 2021. The second invitation is Fireside Chat Session of Festival of Independent Campus at the Building of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology on Tuesday, June 15th 2021. Regarding her experience as participant of Teaching Campus Program, Ayu said that she and Teaching Campus team carried out a teaching program at SD Negeri Kuwarasan 01, Semarang Regency. They focus on three superior programs, namely knowledge transfer, technology adaptation, and administrative affairs. Regarding the transfer of knowledge, the activities focus on raising the spirit of achievement, public speaking skills, and also the student’ self-confidence. This program is carried out offline and they directly go to the location (SD Negeri Kuwarasan 01) for three months.

“There is a story at that time, when I first entered the class and asked the elementary students to introduce themselves, some students did not brave to speak and some were crying. Then, after several meetings in class, one of the student who had cried before became the first student to answer each question and come to the front of the class. In fact, the students are also fighting over to come to the front of the class,” he said.

Regarding technology adaptation, Ayu and her team assist teachers in providing training on making learning videos and also promote Campus Teaching activities at SD Negeri Kuwarasan 01 on YouTube pages (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuC0ETrspr7cF_BzUtqKKXQ/featured) and Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/km_sdnkuwarasan01/).

As for administrative affairs, they reorganized the library where books from the government were labeled and neatly arranged on the library’s bookshelves. Previously, students rarely visited the library because the library at SD Negeri Kuwarasan 01 was not well maintained. Now, the library is decorated by carpets and the walls is also decorated so that the students will feel at home in the library. It is hoped that literacy interest of the students will increase.

“When I met the President and the Minister, I shared stories and unique experiences during the Teaching Campus Program. The President and the Minister were very happy listening to the stories of our Teaching Campus team at SD Negeri Kuwarasan 01. The President also said that social awareness were exist deep within ourselves. A memorable experience for me was when the President had time to share stories and jokes when we told various things that we experienced while teaching at SD Negeri Kuwarasan 01,” she said.

“If taking studies is worship, then reaching achievement is da’wah. Education is still number one, but do not forget to continue to be useful wherever your feet stand. Participating in Independent Campus Program is one of the effort to get achievement and to support Undip towards World Class University. Keep spirit, and stay productive even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic!,” she said excitedly. (Linda – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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