All Nursing Science Study Programs at Faculty of Medicine are Accredited A

SEMARANG – All study programs within Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University (UNDIP) have been accredited A. Currently, there are 3 Study Programs managed by the Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine Undip, namely the Nursing Study Program, Nurse Profession Study Program, and Master of Nursing Study Program.

Based on the decision of the Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan Indonesia / LAM-PTKes) Number 0824/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/X/2016 it is stated that Nursing Study Program as of October 2nd 2016 is accredited with a rating of A means Very Good / Excellent. Meanwhile, the Nurse Profession Study Program is also accredited with a rating of A, Very Good, based on LAM-PTKes Decree Number 0825/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/X/2016 dated October 2nd 2016.

For Master of Nursing Study Program of the Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine UNDIP, A accreditation is obtained from LAM-PTKes as stated in the Decree of the Management of the Indonesian Health Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institute Number 0525/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Mag/XII/2020 dated December 4th 2020. The accreditation process and field assessment for Master of Nursing Study Program Undip are carried out online due to the pandemic conditions.

Head of Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine Undip, Dr. Untung Sujianto, S.Kp., M.Kes, said that he was grateful for the accreditation of Study Programs in the department he led. “We are working hard so that the accreditation rating can be maintained properly,” said Untung Sujianto, on Tuesday (3/8/2021).

Responding to the expiration of the accreditation period for the Nursing Study Program and the Nursing Professional Education Program in October 2021, Department of Nursing Science Undip has made various preparations such as conducting workshops, repairing and preparing new laboratories as needed, as well as encouraging research activities to the fullest. “For the workshop, we use the standard of fulfilling 9 criteria,” Untung Sujianto added.

The repairs and improvements to the laboratory are carried out by renovating the Nursing Laboratory at Diponegoro National Hospital. Admittedly, the renovation was carried out so that the laboratory could also be used by other study programs within the Faculty of Medicine but still meet the standards as a nursing laboratory.

Regarding research within the Department of Nursing Science, he said that all publications must be carried out in reputable and globally indexed journals. One of them is Scopus, a medium indexing grade in quality level. In principle, the publications are also made on other journals that are indexed globally such as the Web of Science. The need for global indexed publications, apart from being regulated in Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National System of Science and Technology, is also one of the requirements to become a World Class University.

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine Undip currently has 36 lecturers and 9 of them already have doctoral qualifications. Currently, there are 7 lecturers who are studying at the doctoral level at various universities at Indonesia and abroad such as in the Netherlands, England, Thailand and the Philippines.

The nursing education program at Undip was first opened in 1998 in the form of the Diploma 4 Nurse Educator Education Program. The program was opened as a form of Undip’s response and responsibility to the very high demand from the community, especially in Central Java for nursing education. The Diploma 4 Nurse Educator Education Program was changed to the Nursing Undergraduate Program, following the issuance of Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No. 427/DIKTI/Kep/1999 concerning the implementation of the Bachelor of Nursing Program.

Regarding the re-accreditation process for undergraduate programs and professional education programs, Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine Undip has made various technical preparations needed. “In principle, we are ready for the visitation in August 2021. We will coordinate the exact schedule with LAM-PTKes,” he said. (PR team)

Translated by: Titis – Public Relations

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