Study Program Student Association of Vocational Public Relations of UNDIP PSDKU Batang Held Webinar to Strengthen Humanity Spirit in the Midst of Covid-19 Pandemic

SEMARANG – Study Program Student Association of Vocational Public Relations of Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU), Diponegoro University (UNDIP), at Batang Regency, held an online seminar with the topic of “Pandemic Era as a Momentum for Youth to Strengthen Humanity Spirit”. This webinar is a form of student participation in the current condition faced by society. This online event aims to broaden students’ knowledge as a provision before going directly into the community.

Presented as speakers were Lisdayanti from Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) of Department of National Philanthropy Network; and Sri Mulyatno, S.Pd., Deputy Chair III for Human Resources Development and Indonesian Red Cross volunteer. The activity which was initiated by Abdimas Division of Study Program Student Association of Vocational Public Relations of Undip PSDKU Batang and held on Saturday (8/9/2021), was attended by at least 87 people.

Head of Vocational Public Relations Study Program of Undip PSDKU Batang, Dr. Adi Nugroho M.Si, when giving an introduction to the event said that in addition to broaden students’ knowledge, this activity was also useful for sharpening the humanity spirit of the younger generation in helping others. “This is important to do, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that we are currently experiencing,” said Adi Nugroho.

Meanwhile Sri Mulyatno S.Pd who explained the material “Sharpening the Humanity Spirit in Pandemic Period Together with Indonesian Red Cross” said that since Indonesian Red Cross was established on September 17th 1945, many humanitarian activities have been carried out. “The role of Indonesian Red Cross during the pandemic includes blood services, ambulance services, spraying disinfectants, burial of Covid-19 bodies, evacuation of flood victims, distribution of logistical assistance, supporting for swab activities, supporting for vaccination, health promotion and other activities,” said Sri Mulyatno.

According to him, the younger generation must have a humanity spirit, especially in the midst of a pandemic like today. “Humanity values will be embedded, grow and honed if we want to, often and get used to help people in need. Humanity values are not just knowledge and theory, but practice in the field, in conflict areas and disaster areas,” he explained.

Therefore, according to Mulyatno, the value of humanity will grow when you join a social organization engaged in the social sector such as Indonesian Red Cross. Humanitarian volunteers of Indonesian Red Cross carry out their duties after receiving education, training and understanding of the volunteer code of ethics.

He gave tips that in carrying out humanitarian missions, we must eliminate self-interest. “It would be nice if we help people without having feeling of wanting to be given back. When we help with a sense of humanity, by God willing, we will get ease in life.”

Meanwhile, Lisdayanti from ACT of Department of National Philanthropy Network presented a material entitled “Humanity Philanthropy Volunteerism (Pandemic Momentum for Youth to Strengthen Humanity Spirit)”. Lisdayanti revealed ACT has several humanitarian programs namely global waqf, global zakat, global qurban, and others. ACT itself exists in a number of countries, so its network is strong in assisting humanitarian missions. “In fact, Indonesia is called a generous country by them,” she explained.

A number of social activities carried out including ambulance facilities, health services, compensation, assistance of winter needs, construction of mosques and houses, distribution of Qur’an, agricultural assistance and others. “We also provide assistance abroad or vice versa because ACT is a liaison for all. For example, if British people want to provide assistance to Indonesian, ACT will accept and submit them to Indonesia. Likewise, we also provide external assistance.”

Regarding how to join ACT, the main requirement is to have a will to be a volunteer and to devote full time as staff. For being a volunteer, there are no special requirements but applicants must have certain skills for several positions. (PR team)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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