Agribusiness Study Program of Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences of Diponegoro University Held a Visiting Professor Program

In the last decade, the term “World Class University” has become an attractive term, not only to improve the quality of learning and research in universities, but also to develop capacity and be able to compete with global universities. The Visiting Professor program is prioritized to adjust development and to achieve the vision of Diponegoro University to become one of the world-class universities.

This year, according to the Dean of Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetyo, M.S., M.Agr., IPU., in his statement on Tuesday (2/11) stated that the purpose of the Visiting Professor program in the Agribusiness Study Program aimed to create new opportunities for students to gain knowledge about how strategic business plans are executed. Therefore students can apply it to their business development in the agricultural sector.

This Visiting Professor program invited Professor Datuk M Nasir Shamsudin, Ph.D, from the Department of Agribusiness and Bioresource Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, with the presentation theme “Agribusiness Project Planning and Management”. This theme is expected to provide benefits for students of Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Undip to get an idea of how Agribusiness Project Planning and Management in Malaysia has been developed.

The resource person, Professor Datuk M Nasir Shamsudin, Ph.D, stated that agribusiness planning is a systematic effort to find new innovation alternatives, accompanied by calculating the financial consequences on results and costs. Agribusiness planning activities include: 1. Identification of market needs; 2. Identification of downstream industry needs; 3. Identification of the network of business capital availability; 4. Formulating a pattern of farming that has a competitive advantage in commodities; 5. Capital planning and credit application.

The conclusion of this Visiting Professor event is that essentially an agribusiness entrepreneur is expected to implement a business with the most efficient use of input factors to produce maximum output. It is very important to take advantage of agribusiness opportunities based on consumer trends, look for the latest innovative solutions and capture opportunities preferred by consumers.

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