Alimah Putri Milania, Student of Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient of FPP UNDIP Graduated with a 3.90 GPA

“After graduation, my dream is to be able to build a business according to my field of knowledge. First, of course I will look for a job in the agriculture field to gain experience related to the world of work so that I can realize my dream of becoming a business actor in the agricultural sector. My parents advised me to become a useful human being for others and be able to raise the status of my family,” said Alimah Putri Milania, a recipient of Bidikmisi Scholarship student of the Department of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University (Undip).

Alimah is one of graduate candidates of the Undip 165th Graduation who successfully graduated with honors with a 3.90 GPA. According to her, education is very important for the younger generation to become young people who are knowledgeable so that it is easy to follow the current changes. Besides primary education, organizational experience is also necessary to hone soft skills so that a young and smart generation is created, a generation that is intelligent in thinking and acting to solve problems.

During college, Alimah participated in the KAMADIKSI (Bidikmisi Student Family) organization in the Social Community division (SOSMAS), Undip Archery Student Activity Unit in the PSDM division and the KP Hortikultura organization.

“In these organizations, I have gained a lot of experience such as being the Head of the Bidikmisi Teaching Program and the Head of the Training Camp at Archery Student Activity Unit. In addition, I participated in several committees organized by the Student Association such as being a treasurer in the Agricultural LKMM-PD in 2018. In the academic field, I had become a practicum assistant several times such as a soil science assistant for 1 year and a horticultural plant cultivation practicum assistant. Studying at Undip was very enjoyable because I had the opportunity to study with new friends and was guided by competent lecturers in their respective fields,” she explained. (Lin – Public Relations)

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