Achieved FIBAA Accreditation, Indonesian Literature Study Program of FIB UNDIP Ready to Go International

SEMARANG – The Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Humanities (FIB), Diponegoro University (Undip) has successfully passed the international accreditation assessment from the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA).

FIBAA is an international accreditation agency based in Germany which is registered with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology for quality assurance and development in higher education.

The Dean of Faculty of Humanities Undip, Dr. Nurhayati, M.Hum said that the international accreditation which was achieved as of November 26, 2021 for the next five years, strengthened the Indonesian Literature Study Program to go international. According to her, this was the result of hard work from the academic community that was supported by all parties within Undip. This proud achievement is the result of support and trust of the Undip Rector and his staff, LP2MP, as well as the entire academic community, education staff, alumni, and stakeholders. “Thank you for the prayers and support,” she said, on Tuesday (12/21/2021).

This acknowledgment is also proof that Faculty of Humanities Undip has qualifications that can be accounted for. This is because to pass the FIBAA assessment is not easy. With this international accreditation, all elements of Faculty of Humanities Undip are determined to bring the faculty to become an excellent research faculty in Southeast Asia by 2025. This determination is also an affirmation of supporting Undip as a World Class University (WCU). The Faculty of Humanities Undip is committed to strengthening its vision, which is to become an excellent research faculty in Southeast Asia by 2025 in the field of culture which includes literature, language, history, anthropology, libraries, philosophy, and archives.

Has Many Advantages

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities Undip, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, S.S., M.Hum said that he was very grateful for the achievement of this international accreditation. “With this accreditation, our study program has the opportunity to interact and take part at international level events,” he explained.

The accreditation strengthens one of the programs that the Indonesian Literature Study Program has, namely the BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) course.

“This program has been going on for decades, and every year we accept foreign students (from abroad),” he explained.

Among them are from China, Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Libya, Egypt, Madagascar, Vietnam, Argentina, and several African countries.

“This program is specifically opened for those who want to learn Indonesian culture and language,” he conveyed.

The Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program has also collaborated with several universities from abroad such as with Tasmania University, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia, Hankuk University in Korea, and Leiden University in the Netherlands.

“The collaborations held are in the form of webinars and joint scientific discussions. We also plan to conduct joint research with our partner universities,” he explained, on Tuesday (12/21/2021).

The Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program also has other advantages which are different from the same study program at other universities.

“Our study program has an interesting research object, namely Coastal Javanese Cultural Studies, which has become a reference for a number of researchers both from within and outside the country. This Coastal Javanese Cultural Studies is a unique topic that is only owned by the Indonesian Literature Study Program at Undip,” he explained.

In addition, Undip Indonesian Literature Study Program has three specializations, namely literature, philology, and linguistics.

“First, our literary specialization is always updated to open up to contemporary literary developments such as cyber literature, graffiti, comics, and so on. Second, we have a philology specialization, namely discussing classical texts on Coastal Java and pesantren literature. Third, linguistics specialization discusses Indonesian and Coastal Java language in practice,” he explained. (PR team)

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