Master of Engineering and Industrial Management Study Programs of FT UNDIP Held Webinar on Standardization in Indonesia

The Master of Engineering and Industrial Management Study Programs, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT), Diponegoro University (Undip) has held the 24th Webinar Series on Friday (22/04) at 03.30 PM online/virtually via the Zoom meeting platform.

The webinar with the theme “Research Edge in Industrial Engineering and Management” invited the Head of National Standardization Agency (BSN), Drs. Kukuh S. Achmad, M.Sc., and a lecturer of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Dradjad Irianto, M.Eng., as the speakers of the webinar.

This webinar is part of a series of Tribute to Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwanggono, M.Eng., one of the lecturers in the Department of Industrial Engineering who is currently entering retirement period.

Vice Rector IV for Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., in his speech said that this webinar series was a means to share knowledge with webinar participants. “This knowledge sharing activity through webinars is an effort to contribute to the academic world and to disseminate knowledge from the speakers to all participants,” said Prof. Ambariyanto.

According to Prof. Ambariyanto, this event was a form of good synergy between universities and bureaucratic institutions. “These two speakers are bureaucrats and academics, so this is a form of good synergy between universities and bureaucratic institutions,” he explained.

In addition, this webinar activity also contributes to the achievement of the goals contained in the SDGs. “The presentation of the material presented in this webinar contributes and is very related to the achievement of the goals in the SDGs,” concluded Prof. Ambariyanto.

The webinar activity was continued with material presentation by the Head of National Standardization Agency (BSN), Drs. Kukuh S. Achmad, M.Sc., who explained the material on “Standardization Education in Higher Education”. According to Kukuh, lectures on standardization while in higher education are very important.

“Industry circles when they offer a vacancy often have a requirement, including experience in the field of the vacancy, therefore it is very important that standardization is taught at universities. In addition, there are indicators that standardization is important for us to give to students before they graduate from higher education,” conveyed Kukuh.

The presentation of the second material was continued by a lecturer of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Dradjad Irianto, M.Eng., who delivered material on “Standardization in Industry”. He revealed that standardization is an important aspect in the production process in industry. “This standard will be very much needed to determine the type of production process in an industry,” said Prof. Dradjad.

Standardization is one way to improve product quality. However, considering that the industrial world also needs to develop, standardization also needs to be flexible or not rigid. If the old standardization process is used for a developing industry, then the product that will be produced may turn out to be not as good. Thus the standardization process also needs to be reviewed by conducting an assessment every 5 years. With this assessment, it is hoped that the newly produced products will have up to date or latest standards.

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