Deployment and Welcoming of Undip-UB Independent Student Exchange Program

Semarang (22/8) – The Deployment and Welcoming of the Undip-UB Independent Student Exchange Program has been carried out in an online meeting through Zoom Meeting. This event was attended by the Deputy Dean I of FISIP Undip, Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin; Head of the Department of Business Administration FISIP Undip, Dr. Widiartanto, S.Sos, M.AB; Secretary of the Business Administration Study Program FISIP Undip, Dr. Sari Listyorini, S.Sos, M.AB; Lecturer of Business Administration FISIP Undip, Lecturer of Administrative Sciences University of Brawijaya, Supervisor Academic and Student Affairs , and Academic Staff of FISIP Undip.

In his remarks, the Head of the Department of Business Administration FISIP Undip said that the Independent Student Exchange Program of Undip-UB is a follow-up to the Cooperation Agreement between Deans which was signed on July 27, 2022. This program is also a pilot program in FISIP Undip. This collaboration will be extended to Tri Dharma College activities in several other departments. Widiartanto also said that the Undip-UB Independent Student Exchange Program is one of the series of achievements of IKU (Key Performance Indicators) as a university that has the status of PTNBH.

Teguh Yuwono also added that students participating in this program will undergo online lectures. He also advised 39 Business Administration students from FISIP Undip who attended lectures at FIA UB to be orderly and respectful while studying at UB and to show 4 Diponegoro’s values: Honest, Fair, Courageous, Caring. In addition, there are 8 FIA UB students who join this program.

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