
Community Service Program Conducted by the Faculty of Psychology UNDIP

In order to increase insight and understanding of parenting, the Community Service Team of the Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University, together with a team of intern students held a Parenting Seminar and Consultation on Friday (07/10/22). The seminar took place at TK Mardi Utomo, Tembalang District, Semarang City. The seminar with the theme “Be smart: Educate Children with Love” was attended by teachers and parents/guardians of Mardi Utomo Kindergarten students. This seminar was delivered by lecturers who are also Parenting Experts namely Dra. Darosy Endah Hyoscyamina, M.Pd and Dr. Dinie Ratri Desiningrum, S.Psi, M.Si.

The seminar which took place at around 07.40 WIB was opened with a prayer by all parties. After that, it was followed by remarks by Artik, S.Pd. as Head of TK Mardi Utomo. In her remarks, Artik conveyed her warm greetings and enthusiasm for holding a seminar on parenting. The holding of a seminar on parenting by the Faculty of Psychology’s Community Service Team was the first to be held at the TK Mardi Utomo. It is hoped that parenting seminars of this kind can be held as a routine program.

Presentation of material in this seminar was started by Dr. Dinie Ratri Desiningrum, S.Psi, M.Si. which discusses growth and development and how children learn. This material provides an understanding that early childhood is a golden age which is the foundation for children in adulthood. It is important for parents and teachers as well as the environment around children to understand and work together in providing education for children. One of the interesting quotes in the delivery of this material is that, “Children are not miniature adults, but they are small creatures who have the potential to develop themselves”.

The next material was presented by Dra. Darosy Endah Hyoscyamina, M.Pd. about educating children is worship because children are a gift given by Allah SWT. The most important educational environment is the family. Not only mothers, both parents, namely fathers and mothers, must be able to work together in terms of parenting and housework. Directly educating and caring for children, especially during the golden age, is very important and has a major influence on the child’s future. These times also determine whether or not the child’s relationship with his parents is attached in the future. Therefore, it is very emphasized not to completely ask for help from other people to raise children, especially grandparents who are elderly. Older grandparents whose physical condition is no longer good tend to have sensitive feelings. They should be treated well by their children, not burdened with caring for grandchildren.

After the presentation of the material, a question and answer session was held for participants to be able to ask questions or clarify their confusion about the material. The first question was from Mrs. Jamilah who asked, “How is the time management for caring for children if both parents work?”. The answer to this question is with suggestions, especially for mothers, to take work to a minimum, namely tasks or work that must be done. Fathers and mothers must also be able to work well together, especially in terms of household chores by not only placing the burden on the mother. Fathers also have a responsibility to do this.

One of the other questions came from Ms. Shinta, namely “How can you prevent children from being addicted to playing games and gadgets?”. Good cooperation and consistency from parents is the answer to this question. If parents forbid their children to do something like playing gadgets, then parents must be able to give a good example directly to their children regarding things that should be done. For example, reading books or other useful activities that keep children away from gadgets and the internet. Parents must also be able to make consistent rules in educating children. For example, children are only allowed to play with gadgets on Sundays or a maximum of one hour.

Towards the end of the event, participants were asked to fill out a parenting stress scale which aims to find out how high the stress level of parents is in parenting. The seminar that day ended with a group photo activity by seminar participants, speakers, and several students of the TK Mardi Utomo. After that, parents who are willing can take part in a consultation session with resource persons who are parenting experts.

In general, this seminar went well. It is hoped that through this seminar the participants will have new insights and better understand the importance of direct parenting by parents. The school also hoped that the parenting program could be held again on another occasion. (Dzulqoryna Tahsa & Tri Wahyu Handayani – Students of the Faculty of Psychology Undip)

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