Message from UNDIP Rector on the 168th Graduation: Practice Knowledge and Maintain Integrity

Semarang – Central Java (1/11). The Rector of Diponegoro University inaugurated 2,559 graduates on the 168th Graduation Ceremony of Diponegoro University which was held in 11 stages for 6 days, starting from 1-4 November 2022, followed by 7-8 November 2022 at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang Campus.

In his report, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D, as the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs said that this graduation was attended by 2,559 graduates, which included 35 people from Doctoral programs, 267 people from Master programs, 52 people from Specialist program, 51 people of Professionals, 2008 people from Bachelor programs, 80 people from Applied Bachelor programs and 66 people of Diploma III (D3) programs. Up to this graduation period, the number of Undip graduates has reached 244,559 people, of which 1,401 graduates or 54.75% of them received cum laude predicate.

“In an effort to maintain the synergy between Undip and its graduates, Undip expects collaboration from alumni to provide feedback through Undip’s tracer study at We hope that all graduates will always be successful in their careers and will always be good role models for the community. We are really proud of the academic achievements obtained by the graduates,” he said.

While in his speech, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama S.H., M. Hum. as the Rector of Undip said Undip is one of the best universities in Indonesia with achievements including Rank 1 National Universities whose graduates get jobs the fastest based on the QS Rankings for employability 2021-2022; Rank 2 nationally and Rank 30 in the world of Sustainable University based on UI Greenmetric 2020,2021,2022; 2nd Best National PTNBH Ranking in 2021 and Top 5 Best PTNBH 2022; Top 8 National rank for World University Rank 2023 QS WUR version; Top 5 favorite universities for 5 consecutive years; and more than 20 internationally accredited study programs, ABEST, FIBAA, and ASIIN.

“The knowledge that we have learned so far is actually a medium of our connection with the Creator, because with that knowledge we can worship in the form of practical knowledge. Therefore in mastery and practice it must be based on integrity, honesty, truth and justice,” he said.

“Knowledge becomes something blessed if it is practiced in goodness, therefore we are obliged to apply the knowledge we have for the benefit of the nation in the development as well as welfare of the nation or state. Holding an academic degree gives the consequence of being able to develop this knowledge to the highest degree and be able to practice it as well as possible. Keep moving forward Undip alumni, don’t give up, Ever Forward Never Retreat,” concluded the Rector. (Lin – Public Relations)

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