Healthy Walking as a Series of UNDIP 65th Anniversary

Diponegoro University (Undip) held healthy walking as part of a series of events to commemorate its 65th Anniversary, Sunday (18/12).

The main route of the healthy walking starts from the Widya Puraya Undip field – SA MWA -FPIK – Jurang Belimbing – Nursing Science Building – RSND – FEB – Faculty of Psychology – KKN Center – Art Center Building – Finish (Widya Puraya Building).

The event was opened directly by the Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. “Undip is a shared responsibility, so we must protect it together, one of which is by maintaining health. To be healthy includes doing a healthy walk like today. There are many door prizes and entertainment. It is hoped that the door prizes that will be given will be useful and those who will receive them will be the ones who need them,” he said.

The Rector also said that this year Undip won another achievement by winning 5 (five) awards in several different categories at the 2022 Diktiristek Award night event organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) namely Diktiristek Public Relations Award in the PTN BH Category, LAPOR! Subcategory; PTN BH Category, Public Relations Person Subcategory; PTN BH Category, the Best Industry Cooperation Subcategory; PTN BH Category, Work Unit Subcategory with the Best PDDikti Reporting; PTN BH Category, Subcategory of Cooperation Reporting (Lapkerma).

The climax of the event was even more lively when the door prize was drawn. The first draw was read by Prof. Yos for the prize of a motorbike and the winner was Bambang Tri from the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science. While the main prize, Umrah, was won by Dian Minggus from the Asset Management and Logistics Division. In addition to the 6 motorbikes, the prizes given at the healthy walking event were quite diverse, including bicycles, refrigerators, washing machines, savings, laptops and Antam gold. (Lin – Public Relations)

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