Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan, S.Hum., M.Hum. (Lecturer of Library Science FIB UNDIP) Actively Writes Scientific Journals

“I have been a Lecturer in Library Science since 2014, I am very interested in writing and studying research in the field that I am passionate about. At the beginning of the year of my career, I kept trying to dig up the knowledge that I had gained during lectures, coupled with new readings that I got from scientific journals. On the semester holiday, I always take the time to compile scientific journals. I have a target to at least compile the research background, problem formulation, literature review, and research methods. With this routine, I have a way to maintain consistency in writing amidst the busy teaching schedule of lectures to produce various works starting from 2014 until finally in 2021.” said Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan, S.Hum., M.Hum., Lecturer in Library Science at Diponegoro University.

He said his accomplishments in 2021 included succeeding in creating works that were published in international journals with high, medium, or low reputations. This lecturer with the nickname Yoga said that the publication achievement was inseparable from various supports. According to him, good work cannot be done alone, it needs collaboration with colleagues to exchange ideas. Whereas in 2022 he won the title of Young Lecturer with the Highest 3 Year SINTA Score in the Field of Social Humanities Rank II Undip.

“The need for library science work prospects is still high because it has been proven that until now graduates of the Undip Library Science study program have quite high absorption and the waiting period for work is quite short. The acceptance rate of graduates from the Science Study Program to work in accordance with the field of study is above 50%, while the waiting period for getting a job is 6 months. This shows that market demand related to the need for information management staff, documentation and archives or the need for librarians is still quite high. In the future we will also equip our fellow students with information and communication technology skills, we will have lecturers who are qualified in their fields, and will also hold guest lectures by inviting several experts in the field of library information science.” he explained about the profile of library science study program graduates and how the study program prepared them.

In an effort to support Undip towards World Class University, as a lecturer and researcher he hopes to be able to produce extraordinary works that can be read and utilized by the international community, as well as trying to contribute to Undip by providing motivation, by fostering and guiding students to perform well in the national or international levels. (Lin/Afifah – Public Relations)

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