RSND UNDIP Accreditation Survey by LARS DHP

Hospital accreditation is an acknowledgement of hospitals given by an independent accreditation agency determined by the Minister, after it is assessed that the hospital meets applicable hospital service standards to improve the quality of hospital services on an ongoing basis. On 13, 16 to 17 December 2022, Diponegoro National Hospital carried out an Accreditation Survey by the Damar Husada Paripurna Hospital Accreditation Institute (LARS DHP) according to the Ministry of Health Hospital Accreditation Standards in 2022.

In his remarks as well as opening the event, Vice Rector III, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D. conveying accreditation apart from being formal is a requirement for a status recognition but what is more important is receiving inputs on how to work and serve especially to patients.

“Hopefully the accreditation process can be carried out well, substantially it can certainly improve our performance,” continued Prof. Budi.

On the occasion, the President Director of RSND, Dr. dr. Sutopo Patria Jati, M.M., M.Kes. said the hospital accreditation survey is an on-site assessment activity to measure how far the hospital complies with the set standards. “Hopefully this activity will run smoothly and RSND meets accreditation standards,” concluded dr. Sutopo.

Accreditation is a condition of observation carried out at health service institutions that aim to meet accreditation standards that have been determined by the government. This accreditation is carried out by a professional accreditation agency. The main purpose of accreditation is to foster quality improvement, performance through continuous improvement of the management system, quality and service delivery, as well as manage risk and not just an assessment to get an accreditation certificate. (Lin – Public Relations)

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