New Engineer Graduates of PSPPI UNDIP are Expected to Strengthen Vital Sectors in Indonesia

Semarang – Central Java (31/1). The Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University held the 8th period Engineer Oath Ceremony. The event was held at the Engineering Hall, 5th floor of Dean Building FT Undip. Head of the Professional Engineer Education Study Program (PSPPI) Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir Widayat, S.T., M.T., IPM, ASEAN Eng, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Secretary General of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), Ir. Bambang Goerlino, M.Sc., MPA, IPU present at this event.

The event began with singing the Indonesia Raya song and Engineer Hymn. The event then continued with remarks. The remarks were initiated by the Head of the Professional Engineer Education Study Program (PSPPI), Prof. Dr. Ir. Widayat, S.T., M.T., IPM, ASEAN Eng. In his remarks, he said that there were 131 engineers who had been inaugurated by the PSPPI Faculty of Engineering in the 8th period, so that there had been 488 engineers who had graduated from the PSPPI Faculty of Engineering since this study program was founded. According to Prof. Widayat, even though PSPPI uses learning methods that are quite old, in principle the engineering profession study program is still implemented as professional programs in general, so that it is not only recognition of engineering education practices that are pursued, but also case study reports that need to be passed in order to pass. This is what distinguishes PSPPI Undip from professional engineering study programs at other universities. It is hoped that from the existence of case study reports, PSPPI graduates will not only receive recognition, but also engineering works that can be published in various journal channels, both international and national.

Prof. Widayat also said that PSPPI will have its own journal container which is planned to be ready this year. The PSPPI journal later functions to accommodate works from engineering practices that have been undertaken by PPI study program participants at Diponegoro University. This journal, according to Prof. Widayat, will later be named the Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Indonesia, and involve alumni from both the engineering profession study program at Diponegoro University and other universities that also hold engineering professional study programs, such as Petra University, Jember University, and other universities.

In his remark, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D emphasized how engineers from PSPPI Undip should have strengthened various vital sectors in Indonesia, such as agriculture, livestock, energy and food security. According to him, these sectors need to be engaged together. Prof. Agung also said that the commitment of the Faculty of Engineering to achieve accreditation with national and international standards is aimed at advancing the world of education, especially engineering professional education, because the vision of the Faculty of Engineering is to become an excellent research-based faculty.

Meanwhile the Secretary General of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), Ir. Bambang Goerlino, M.Sc., MPA, IPU said that PII would become a forum for engineers throughout Indonesia to be able to work together for Indonesia. He hopes that engineers who graduated from PSPPI can uphold the oath they had made during the engineer’s oath ceremony this time. The hope is that after holding the title of engineer, these new engineers will continue to uphold the oath they have spoken, remain trustworthy and consistent, uphold professionalism and integrity, continue to gain knowledge and experience in order to maintain their scientific competence, and continue to strive to increase their capacity as an engineer.

The event continued with the reading of the list of PSPPI Undip engineering graduates by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. nat. tech. Siswo Sumardiono, S.T., M.T. Then, after all the engineering graduates have been named one by one, the engineers are sworn in in front of the leaders. The oath-taking was chaired by the Secretary General of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), Ir. Bambang Goerlino, M.Sc., MPA, IPU.

The awarding of an engineer medal is handed by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Manager of Administration Unit of the Faculty of Engineering, Ari Eko Widyantoro, S.T., M.Si., and the submission of the Professional Engineer Certificate (SIP) by the Chairman of the PII Central Java Region, Dr. T. Herry Ludiro Wahyono, ST, M.T., IPU.

After remarks from representatives of prospective engineers, Ir. Muhammad Habibi, IPU, ASEAN Eng, the event was closed with a prayer.

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