Undip Rector Handed Over the Graduation Certificates to the Families of Graduates who Passed Away

Semarang – Central Java (6/2). The moment of emotion at the 169th Undip graduation ceremony was felt when the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. approached and handed over the graduation certificates directly to the families of the graduates who could not attend the graduation ceremony because they had returned to the God Almighty.

The graduation ceremony is a happy moment to look forward to after graduating from college. Happiness is not only felt by graduates who graduate but also their families. However, sadness was felt by the family of the late Rachelia Putri Andriani W, S.Kom, who was supposed to be graduated at the 11th stage of the 169th graduation at Diponegoro University which was held Monday (6/2) at the Prof. Soedarto, SH Building, Undip Tembalang campus. The late Rachel succeeded in studying Informatics Undergraduate Study Program at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip, and earned a cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.87.

Previously, stage 9 of the 169th Undip graduation ceremony which was held on Friday (3/2) was also attended by the family of the late Dr. dr. Ahmad Putra, M.Kep (graduate from the Faculty of Public Health) and the late Mira Puspaningsih, S.E., M.KM (graduate from the Faculty of Public Health) since the two prospective graduates who were supposed to graduate had passed away.

For information, the procession of the 169th graduation ceremony for Diponegoro University was held in 12 (twelve) stages, starting on January 30 – February 3, 2023 (for stages 1 to 10) and continuing on February 6, 2023 (for stages 11 to 12). Two stages of the graduation procession were held in a day, in the morning and afternoon.

The late Dr. Ahmad is an Undip Postgraduate student who has completed his Doctoral degree in Public Health, while the late Mira Puspaningsih is an Undip Postgraduate student who has completed her Masters in Public Health. God Almighty had other plans, before the graduation procession, the late Dr. Ahmad died on January 11, 2023, while the late Mira died on November 10, 2022. It is known that the two deceased died due to cancer.

Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. conveyed expressions of deep condolences. “May Allah SWT accept the good deeds and forgive all the sins of the deceased. For the families left behind, I hope that they will be given fortitude and patience,” said the Rector.

Accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D, Undip Rector directly handed over the certificates to the family that represented the graduates and expressed his appreciation for the academic achievements that had been achieved by the deceased.

According to the family, the late Dr. Ahmad was known as a good person and always cared for his brothers. He is not picky in friendship. Many friends and colleagues attended the funeral. During his lifetime, the deceased always helped and supported his siblings to move forward.

Meanwhile, according to the family, Mira had a kind and warm personality, was friendly, did not want to bother other people, was diligent, and always helped her family and others. The late Mira worked at the Kariadi General Hospital in Semarang as Head of the Treasury and Fund Mobilization Sub-Unit.

Each family of the late Dr. Ahmad, Mira and Rachel thanked Undip. The families of the three deceased also expressed their gratitude and pride for the academic achievements that the deceased had achieved and the seriousness of their struggle in pursuing studies so that each of them succeeded in obtaining Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral degrees. (Lin/Nuril ed. Ut – Public Relations)

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