Asti Rifiana (Undip Graduate): Education is a Provision to Face the Competition in the World of Work

Asti Rifiana is a graduate of the Master of Communication Science Study Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Diponegoro University (Undip) who graduated with cum laude predicate with a GPA of 4.00. She was inaugurated at the 169th Graduation Ceremony of Diponegoro University.

“While studying at Undip, I gained a lot of experience and lessons, apart from that Undip is one of the best and favorite tertiary institutions in Indonesia, the lecturers are very friendly and cooperative. I made new friends who are fun and support each other,” she said.

“During college, I also worked as an employee at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in the general and HR areas of the Kudus branch for about 20 years and was active in the BPC Perhumas Semarang organization. From the beginning to the end of online lectures because of the pandemic, my classmates and I made the most of our time through online lectures in order to complete our studies on time,” she explained.

“Before working at BPJS, I worked at Solo Pos as a reporter, there were many ups and downs in every process I went through. However the most important thing is to enjoy it with pleasure in every profession that we live in so that the work will be easier. Especially with my basic study in Communication Science, this is the most important part because it supports my daily work,” she continued.

According to Asti, education and organization are very important and cannot be separated. Education opens an understanding to deal with problems in the world of work and society. While being part of organizations will train students to develop potential as well as hone leadership skill and teamwork.

“By joining an organization we can understand how to deal with various forms of people’s character and find solutions in dealing with problems. All of these are useful provisions in the world of work,” she concluded. (Lin/Arbi – Public Relations)

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