Anisa Nabila Rezky, Undip Student Won Medal in Silent Knight International Karate Championship

Anisa Nabila Rezky, a student of the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University, again won the Gold Medal (50 kg individual) at the Silent Knight International Karate Championship, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

A number of her achievements have resulted in gold medals in 2022 including the Ministry of Home Affairs Cup (Kumite 50Kg Senior Women), Governor of Riau Cup (Kumite 50kg Senior Women), 2022 Pomprov Central Java (Kumite 50Kg and Kumite Team), and 2022 POMNAS (Kumite Team). Nabila revealed that to balance a busy lecture schedule and get a high GPA with a series of karate achievements requires high effort.

“I entered Undip through the SBUB path in 2019. I was accepted to study through the achievement path, so the university is targeting achievements made by students who are accepted through the SBUB path,” she continued.

The targets designed by the university were rewarded with a myriad of achievements achieved in 2022.

“The Silent Knight International Championship in Malaysia which was held on 3-5 March is my first international gold medal in 2023,” said Nabila.

“While studying at Undip, the achievements I achieved were related to my profession as a karate athlete. There were several matches that I won from the university, regional, national, to international levels. Even in lectures, I am grateful to get pretty good grades,” said Nabila, who was also a Karate athlete of the National Exercise Center representing Riau Province in 2017.

“Education is the most important thing, but it must still be accompanied by experience in organization to expand relationships and build achievements other than academics,” Nabila concluded.

Her biggest goal is to be able to achieve a gold medal at the end of her studies at Undip by competing in PON 21 in 2024 which will be held in North Sumatra-Aceh. (Lin-Joshua/Public Relations, Widi/FISIP)

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