UNDIP Launched Lectures at the Teluk Awur Jepara Campus

Diponegoro University – Jepara, Central Java. Diponegoro University has launched lectures at the Undip Teluk Awur campus in Jepara on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at the Undip Marine Science and Techno Park (MSTP) Building in Jepara. The lecture launching event was attended by the Undip Rector and his staff, Chair of the Academic Senate (SA), Chair of the Board of Trustees (MWA) and their staff, and also invited Jepara regional officials and their staff.

The lecture launching event at the Undip Teluk Awur Jepara campus was marked by the striking of the gong by Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. In his remarks, Prof. Yos expressed his gratitude to all parties who have helped develop the Undip Teluk Awur Jepara campus. “We thank you and ask for your support for the development of the Undip Teluk Awur Jepara campus,” he said.

The presence of the Undip campus in Teluk Awur Jepara will later have a positive impact on the surrounding community and the Jepara Regency Government. “The presence of Undip students in the Teluk Awur Jepara will also have a positive impact on the lives of the surrounding community. We will work together with the community, Jepara Regency Government, and educational institutions in Jepara,” explained Prof. Yos.

The Undip Teluk Awur Jepara Campus currently has a Laws study program and Nursing Science study program. Laws Undergraduate Study Program and Nursing Science Undergraduate  Study Program at Teluk Awur Campus are parallel classes of study programs on the Undip Tembalang campus which have been open since the 2021/2022 Academic Year.

Alhamdulillah, we are slowly repairing buildings and other supporting facilities. Insyaallah, the development is still ongoing and has been carefully planned. We open the Laws study program and Nursing Science study program because both of which are study programs with the most interest,” said Prof. Yos.

Meanwhile, representing the Regent of Jepara, Plt. Regional Secretary General Administration Assistant of Jepara, Ronji, S.E., M.M., revealed that the presence of the Undip academic community in Jepara had a good impact. “Thank you, this is really great. The presence of the academic community here will have a tremendous impact. The Jepara Regency Government and the people of Jepara support the presence of the Undip campus in Teluk Awur Jepara, this is really beneficial for us,” said Ronji.

In addition, the Jepara Regency Government also appreciates the launch of offline lectures for the Laws study program and Nursing Science study program. In addition to providing access and equal opportunity for the next generation of Jepara to study at Undip, the presence of these lectures at the Undip Teluk Awur campus will assist in efforts to advance the world of education and educate students in Jepara.

“Education is the main investment for the future. Through quality education we can provide quality human resources and contribute to regional development. Not only producing quality human resources, the Jepara Regency Government also has hopes from Undip campus activities in Jepara such as producing quality research and studies to encourage Jepara’s development in all fields, one of which is the handling of stunting,” Ronji explained.

“Congratulations and thank you for Undip’s role and contribution so far which has helped the Jepara Regency Government a lot,” he concluded.

This activity was also filled with exposure to the Masterplan/Development Plan for the Undip Teluk Awur Jepara Campus by the Head of the Planning and Development Agency (BPP) Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA. The Undip Campus in Teluk Awur Jepara, in addition to providing educational zone facilities, is also equipped with a Deep Sea Tailing Placement (DSTP) zone, an integrated space zone, an education and training zone, a guest house zone, an edutourism zone, and an open space zone.

During this launching activity, Undip also held competitions including photography and vlog competitions with the theme Exploring the Teluk Awur Jepara Campus; fishing competitions; and a bike tour of the ponds. The competition is intended for the Undip academic community and also the general public, especially for high school students in Jepara and its surrounding areas.

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