KKN-T UNDIP Students Help Arrange Durian Agrotourism Master Plan in Sukorejo Village Themed “Agro-Educultural Park”

Sukorejo Village is one of the areas located in Sambirejo District, Sragen Regency, which intensively develops the tourism sector, especially for the durian center agro-tourism area in the Mount Sigit area. The development of this durian center was funded through CSR Holding Danareksa for 1,000 durian seeds of the Monthong, Bawor, and Musangking types. This assistance also includes constructing supporting facilities through irrigation pipes for watering and caring for durian seedlings.

Simultaneously developing this durian agro-tourism area, Sukorejo Village is also creating a local cultural art called “CongYang,” a blend of keroncong and wayang arts. This new art is expected to become an identity and branding to strengthen the character of Sukorejo Village. Sukrisno (Head of Sukorejo Village) explained that the durian center area would later function as a center for introducing CongYang culture, as currently, there is a cultural house that can later serve as an educational facility for tourists. “The puppets shadow arts (wayang) that we will display here are made of used cardboard, so if they are damaged, we can replace them immediately. It’s not expensive if they are made of cardboard,” he said.

To support the realization of the development of this durian agro-tourism area through the Thematic IDBU-KKN program at Diponegoro University with the chief executive Dr. Ir. Cahya Setya Utama, S.Pt., M.Si., IPM, Diponegoro University Thematic Community Service students helped design an area master plan with the Agro-Educultural Park theme as an implementation of durian agro-tourism and the cultural education area—especially the CongYang art, which is currently being developed in the Sukorejo Village.

This master plan is hoped to provide an overview of the direction of development of the durian center area in Mount Sigit. Not only related to agro-tourism and CongYang, this design also includes space for MSME actors, especially for local products typical of Sukorejo Village, so the space provided is expected to help improve the economy of the Sukorejo Village area. The potential for MSME development will be maximized in this area, considering that tourist areas will bring in many visitors, so it is expected to create added value for the community’s economy. The agro-tourism area will be integrated with tourism objects currently being developed. In addition to preparing tourist spots that are now being worked on, complementary tourism facilities have been designed, primarily homestays.

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