UNDIP Rector Prohibits Study Orientation and Cadre Activities Without Permits for New Students

Diponegoro University held a New Student Acceptance Ceremony (PMB) for the 2023/2024 academic year at the Diponegoro University Stadium, Tembalang (11/9). The activity was carried out in two stages, namely stage I at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB and stage II at 15.30 – 17.00 WIB.

In his report, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D. conveyed that the number of new students at Diponegoro University in the 2023/2024 academic year was 14,445 people, consisting of 238 people from Doctoral Program; 1,081 people from Master Program; 112 people from Specialist Program; 134 people from Professional Program; 11,108 people from Undergraduate Program; and 1,771 people from Applied Undergraduate Program.

“To all new students, if later in the implementation of a series of new student admissions activities, there are things that are considered deviant or not following educational goals, please report this to the faculty/school leadership or to the university leadership for us to follow up immediately,” said Prof. Faisal.

The Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. also strictly prohibits study orientation and cadre activities without permission for new students because this is not part of forming and educating students with character. Activities will focus on introducing the campus by holding a series of PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students) events and character education. PKKMB is an event for preparing new students in the transition process to become mature and independent students and accelerating the process of adapting students to a new environment.

“Welcome to all new students selected to study at Diponegoro University, one of the best universities in Indonesia. Undip is a campus whose selection process is fairly strict and has to compete with thousands of participants from all over Indonesia,” said Prof Yos.

The Rector further said that Undip is ranked 1st in the National University whose alumni get jobs the fastest based on the QS Ranking for Employability in 2021 and 2022; 2nd Best National PTNBH Ranking in 2021 and Top 5 Best PTNBH 2022; Ranked 2nd nationally and 30th in the World Sustainable University ranking based on UI Greenmetric 2020, 2021, 2022; Top 8 National rank for World University Rank 2023 QS WUR version; Top 5 favorite universities for five consecutive years; and more than 20 study programs with international accreditation, ABEST, FIBAA, ASIIN.

“Undip is a campus with a high tolerance level that strongly rejects discriminatory attitudes or hazing with no urgency. Undip highly upholds Pancasila values. Undip will never give room for attitudes or behavior contrary to Pancasila values,” he concluded. (LW/Warnoto – Public Relations)

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