UNDIP Added 3 Professors from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics

Diponegoro University confirmed 3 (three) professors in the second stage on Tuesday (5/9) at the Prof. Soedarto S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang Campus. The professors who were inaugurated were Prof. Dr. Harjum Muharam, S.E., M.E. (Faculty of Economics and Business), Prof. Dr. Bambang Cahyono, M.S. (Faculty of Science and Mathematics), and Prof. Drs. Gunawan, M.Si., Ph.D. (Faculty of Science and Mathematics).

Prof. Dr. Harjum delivered topics on World Capital Market Integration, Company and State Financing Efficiency, and Investor Welfare in his material. The capital market is an essential economic development factor for investors and governments.

“The Indonesian Capital Market has experienced extraordinary development. The Indonesian capital market is critical for companies and the government in issuing shares and bonds to obtain investment and development financing funds. “The credibility of the capital market in Indonesia is influenced by various factors, including the legal and regulatory framework, financial development, protection of property rights, market integration, and political stability,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof. Bambang Cahyono conveyed the Role of Chemistry in the Development of Traditional Medicine in Indonesia. Active compounds that act as herbal medicine benefits must be produced to BPOM standards. The production of herbal medicine is where the role of chemists comes in for their development.

“The history of the tradition of drinking herbal medicine, which is used to maintain health and cure several diseases, is one of the basic assets for developing traditional medicine in Indonesia. “Data shows that there has been a tremendous increase in herbal medicine products officially registered with BPOM, from 1,495 in 2018 to 17,500 herbal medicine formulas,” explained Prof. Bambang.

Meanwhile, Prof. Gunawan discussed “Hydrogen Renewable Energy Potential from Water Decomposition with Copper-Based Photocathode.” He said that energy availability is still a problem today, with increasing demand causing fossil energy reserves to become increasingly depleted. According to projections from the World Energy Agency (IEA), by 2030, world energy demand will increase by 45%, but most or around 80% of orders will be supplied from fossil fuels.

“This encourages innovation and research into renewable energy to become a necessity. Renewable energy comes from an energy conversion process that can be renewed continuously. “Hydrogen fuel has the advantage of being environmentally friendly and easy to move or distribute and transport with potential applications in buildings, vehicles, batteries, and other hybrid energy source technologies,” Prof. Gunawan concluded. (LW/Warnoto – Public Relations)

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