Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program of Vocational School UNDIP Receives Grant Funds for the Vocational Competitive Fund Program

The Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program of Vocational School UNDIP recently received grant funding from the Vocational Competitive Fund Program for Fiscal Year 2023 Batch 2.

In this competition between Vocational Study Programs, TRKI Vocational Study Program Undip proposed several programs related to the superior competencies of fund analysts and survey managers. The competition was held with a very competitive match because it is participated by all universities in Indonesia starting in February 2023.

The team is led directly by the Dean of Vocational School Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si., and the Taskforce Team consisting of Mohamad Endy Yulianto, S.T., M.T., Rizka Amalia, S.T., M.T., Ria Desiriani, S.T., M.T. Fajar Purwantoro, SAP and Ratih Sukma Jati, Amd.

Head of the Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program, Vocational School Undip, Mohamad Endy Yulianto, S.T., M.T. said, “Our team succeeded in convincing the reviewers of the proposals that had been prepared so that the Batch 2 Vocational CF funds flowed to the Undip Vocational School. The proposal is based on evaluation results by considering the feasibility of program implementation, suitability of activities and mechanisms, and feasibility of proposed costs.”

Endy added that the outcome of the success of the Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program at the Vocational School Undip in obtaining grant funds for the Vocational Competitive Fund Program for Fiscal Year 2023 Batch 2 was the achievement of the Undip Key Performance Indicators (IKU). The mentioned Key Performance Indicators is an accredited study program with international certification recognized by the government and lecturers with national and international competency certification.

Furthermore, Endy, the owner of 22 (twenty-two) patents, explained that the 2023 Vocational Competitive Fund Program (CF Vocational Program-2023) encourages and facilitates vocational higher education to prepare human resources with superior and relevant technical skills. The effort to increase skills is made through strengthening governance and partnerships, improving the quality and innovation of learning, and developing independent campuses, leading to rising graduates’ absorption and employability and moving towards Superior Vocational Higher Education.

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