UNDIP Attended KIP Advocacy Activities for Academic State Universities to Achieve Informative Public Bodies in 2023

Diponegoro University, in this case, was represented by the Head of the Communication and Business Bureau, Ratna Wahyu Setyaningtyas, S.H., M.Si. and Manager of Integrated Services and Public Relations, Utami Setyowati, S.S., M.I.Kom, attended the KIP Advocacy activities for Academic State Universities to Achieve Informative Public Bodies in 2023 which was held at the University of North Sumatra on September 4, 2023.

Starting with a report from the BKHM Information Services Coordinator of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Emi Salpiati, as Chair of the Organizer, who conveyed several things, namely:

  1. The KIP Advocacy activities for Academic State Universities to Achieve Informative Public Bodies in 2023, held at the University of North Sumatra (USU), was a follow-up of the Consolidation activities at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in August 2023.
  2. Advocacy activities are carried out to improve public services.
  3. Efforts to achieve the target of universities becoming informative public bodies.
  4. The target is included in the Reform scheme of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which targets every year there will be a 10 percent increase in informative higher education institutions.

The event was followed by remarks from the Rector of USU, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., where in 2022, USU won the informative category. Prof Muryanto Amin further said:

  1. In the open digital era, public bodies can no longer be closed.
  2. It should be open and provide access to available information as a public body.
  3. The purpose of general openness is to foster public trust.

(Acting) Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Anang Ristanto, S.E., M.A. conveyed the existence of public service standards that provide open access to information to the public so that in a service, both requirements, procedures, costs, and periods can be measured and known to the public without experiencing confusion and demanding public supervision in its implementation. By fulfilling these public service standards, the hope is to make Indonesia a welfare state that can fulfill basic needs as an equalization mechanism for existing disparities.

At the main event, Technical Guidance for Achieving Informative Public Agencies was carried out at the 2023 Public Information Openness Monitoring and Evaluation by the Commissioner and Expert Staff of the Central Information Commission (KIP). The 2023 KIP Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Guidance was delivered by the Indonesian KIP Commissioners, namely Syawaludin and Rospita Vici Paulyn.

On the first occasion, Syawaludin conveyed “Implementation of Public Information Openness for Advanced Indonesia,” which contained the essence:

  • Information openness is a characteristic of the country
  • Openness of information is the responsibility of a democratic government towards its people.
  • If information is covered up, the state will be authoritarian because policies are secretly taken to deceive the public.

Meanwhile, Rospita Vici Paulyn emphasized “Strengthening Information Transparency Governance as the Realization of Open and Informative State Universities throughout Indonesia in the Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation in 2023” by conveying the aims and objectives of Monitoring and Evaluation, including:

  1. Measuring compliance
  2. Assessing consistency
  3. Evaluation of SLIP (Public Information Service Standards)
  4. Public body compliance
  5. Input (feedback)
  6. Public policy

Hopefully, with these mentoring/advocacy activities, the number of universities achieving informative public bodies will increase in 2023. (Ut – Public Relations)


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