UNDIP Held National Prayers

Diponegoro University held a National Prayers event inviting Habib Ali Zainal Abidin bin Segaf Assegaf, Dr. (H.C) Maulana Al-Habib Muhammad Luthfi Bin Ali bin Yahya, and Habib Muhammad bin Farid Al Mutohhar at the Diponegoro University Stadium, Tembalang, Friday (15/9). This activity began with the performance of Rebana from Diponegoro University and the Nurul Ilmi Sholawat Council.

In his speech, Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. conveyed that this National Prayer aims to create peace and tranquility and increase spiritual values.

“Today, we can gather with junior and senior students to pray so that Undip will always be peaceful and calm,” said the Rector.

The event became more solemn and lively with the presence of the Az Zahir Hadrah group led directly by Habib Ali Zainal Abidin bin Segaf Assegaf, a charismatic cleric from Pekalongan. “Let’s pray together. We are not here watching prayers recitation, but reading prayers together as recommended by the Prophet,” said Habib Bidin.

Meanwhile, Habib Muhammad bin Farid Al Mutohhar said that this activity was a moment to change our minds and our insight to reflect on the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

“Hopefully, this prayer will awaken our spirituality. We will fill our souls with the morals, manners, and morals with the guidance of our Prophet,” concluded Muhammad bin Farid Al Muttahor. (LW/Diyah – Public Relations)

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