TRKI SV UNDIP Students Passed National Funding for Exact Research Student Creativity Program (PKM-RE)

The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is an activity to improve the quality of students in higher education so that they can become members of society who have academic and professional abilities that can be applied, developed and disseminated in terms of science and technology. The main body of PKM is the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.

The results of thoughts and innovations created by TRKI SV Undip Students entitled “Development of Hydrophobic Silica Modified Cellulose Nanofiber as a Membrane Material in Reducing Glycerol Impurities in Biodiesel” chaired by Daffa Ikhlasul Amal. The team consists of Reynaldy Febrian Budiawan, Farhan Gimnastiar Maslihan, and Callysta Najmi Raissa, with supervisor Hermawan Dwi Ariyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. bringing the excellent name of TRKI SV Undip at the National level.

The hope is that TRKI SV Undip students can advance to the 2023 National Student Science Week (Pimnas) and make Diponegoro University proud.

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