Diponegoro University made a breakthrough by holding an audience with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia for New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia located in Sydney on September 27, 2023.
The Undip delegation was led directly by the Rector (Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum.), Chair of the Board of Trustees (Prof. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D.) and Chair of the Academic Senate (Prof. Edy Rianto, Ph. D.) met directly with Vedi Kurnia Buana as Consul General and Prof. Nizam, Ph.D. (Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Kemdikbudristek). The Education and Cultural Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Australia and several expert staff from the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney were present to accompany Prof. Dr. Mukhamad Najib.
Prof. Nizam conveyed several MBKM programs that are currently running, as well as the LPDP scholarship program, which several universities in Indonesia have widely used to improve the quality of human resources.
The Rector, Chair of the Board of Trustees, and Chair of the Academic Senate conveyed several things, including Undip’s policy of currently becoming a world-class university. Undip has increased the number of doctors who can pursue further studies at prominent universities in Australia, especially those in the Top 100 QS WUR. Apart from that, it increases research and publication collaboration as well as increases citations for Undip lecturers with partner universities in Australia. Undip also offers foreign lecturers at universities in Australia the opportunity to become visiting lecturers or visiting professors at Undip, as well as double degree collaboration with partner universities in Australia.
The discussion also talked about the need for teachers, specifically Indonesian language teachers, as well as the need for nurses in Australia. It is hoped that Undip can fulfill this high need, as stated by Vedi Kurnia Buana as Consul General in Sydney.
On the same occasion, the Australian Diaspora was also present, especially those living in Sydney and its surroundings. Discussions were also held with other Undip delegates, namely Prof. Ambariyanto, Ph.D. (Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation), Prof. Dr. Yusriyadi (Deputy Chair of Board of Trustees), Dr. Agus Indarjo (Secretary of Board of Trustees), Prof. Dr. Purwanto (Head of the Planning and Development Agency), Prof. Dr. Suharnomo (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business), Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho Sugianto (Head of Ranking Office), Dessy Ariyanti, Ph.D. (Deputy Head of the Ranking Office), Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri, Ph.D. (WCU Task Force Team), and Anggi Andyaningsih, S.Hum (Rector’s Secretary).
The Rector and Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation said that since 2020-2021, Undip has been holding World Class University (WCU) activities such as the Diaspora Forum through International Webinars/Seminars and collaboration initiations, including from the Australian Cluster University. Furthermore, it was conveyed that in 2022-2023, the Diaspora was invited by Undip to take part in visiting lecturer and visiting professor activities at Undip. One of the outputs was Joint Research, Joint Publication, and collaboration between universities from the Diaspora.
On this occasion, Undip Rector, Prof. Yos Johan Utama, conveyed several collaboration opportunities with several diaspora alumni campuses as well as publication collaboration with the Diaspora to develop the quality of research and service education at Undip. It is also hoped that the Diaspora will continue to increase cooperation and program activities at World Class University Undip, which are currently being worked on and in the future.