FPP UNDIP Studied Reproductive Biotechnologies For Livestock And Wildlife Species

In order to face various obstacles to reproductive disorders in animals in Indonesia, the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPP Undip) held a public lecture with the theme “Reproductive Biotechnology for Livestock and Wild Animal Species” on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, via Zoom Meeting. This public lecture was held to provide knowledge to the public about reproductive biotechnology and its application to livestock and wild animals in order to improve genetic quality and increase animal populations. This public lecture presents competent speakers in this field, namely Prof. Rangsun Parnpai, Ph.D. He is a lecturer at a university in Thailand, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), whose studies focus on biotechnology and animal reproduction. At least 180 participants attended this public lecture via Zoom and YouTube.

This public lecture was opened with an opening speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono, M.S., M.Agr., IPU. In his speech, Prof. Bambang expressed his gratitude to Prof. Rangsun Parnpai, Ph.D., for agreeing to share his knowledge and experience in the world of Reproductive Biotechnology. Prof Bambang added, “I hope this event can open up opportunities for collaboration between Diponegoro University and Suranaraa University in Biotechnology Studies.”

This public lecture was led by Ir. Daud Samsudewa, S.Pt., M.Si., Ph.D., IPM., as moderator. The resource person presented material on Reproductive Biotechnologies in Mammalian Species, with sub-discussions on Freezing embryos, Multi Ovulation And Embryo Transfer, In Vitro Fertilization, Sexing Sperm, and Cloning by Using Somatic Cells. The discussion begins by discussing the history, implementation of knowledge, and the benefits of each sub-material. In this Public Lecture, the resource person focuses on developing the reproduction of livestock, how to carry out genetic crosses and reproductive engineering of livestock, in this case mammals, in order to get better quality livestock.

This public lecture was welcomed enthusiastically by the participants, marked by the many questions that arose about the material at the end of the event. Ten questions appeared in the chat room, and six participants asked the resource person directly. The Public Lecture closed with thanks from Prof. Rangsun Parnpai, Ph.D., and he hopes to meet again at another event and invite participants to discuss with him via email. “If you have any questions, please send questions via email. I will try to answer every question”. (Boby/ As-Public Relations)

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