UNDIP Held Webinar Series 34 with the theme “Research Edge in Industrial Engineering and Management”

Undip’s Industrial Engineering and Management Master’s Study Program held Webinar Series 34 on Friday, October 27, 2023, with the theme “Research Edge in Industrial Engineering and Management.” The webinar event was held via Zoom meeting and Live Streaming on the Undip TV YouTube channel.

This event was opened with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. and continued with remarks by the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Purnawan Adi Wicaksono, S.T., M.T. This webinar presents resource persons who are professional and competent in their fields. The first resource person, Prof. Bulan Prabawani, S.Sos., M.M., Ph.D., is a lecturer at the Business Administration Department Undip who presented material on “Risk Mitigation in Supply Management.” The second resource person is the VP Buying & Indirect Procurement PT. Lion Super Indo, Donny Passa S.T., presented the second material related to “Know Your Customer Better through Data.” The moderator in this webinar is Prof. Dr. rer. Oec. Arfan Bakhtiar, S.T., M.T.

Prof. Bulan explained in her material about Supply Chain Management, which is the integration of activities to procure goods and services, convert them into semi-finished goods and final products, and deliver them through the distribution system. In the integration of this process, there are various risks, such as when the company is increasingly dependent on the supply chain, it means greater risk. Fewer suppliers will increase the company’s dependence on suppliers, the risk of globalization and logistics complexity, the risk of vendor proficiency and quality, and the risk caused by politics and country exchange rates. In efforts to mitigate and react to these risks, there needs to be adaptation to processes, controls and the environment.

Meanwhile, Donny Passa explained how to know customers better through data. To gain this knowledge, a process of converting data into insight is needed, which is carried out by improving performance with the aim of acquiring new customers, increasing sales, optimizing promotions, and strengthening relationships between retailers, brands and customers. Building a Personalization Machine is essential; this machine or system is used to utilize information on customer purchasing patterns, which can be used as an algorithm that will later be processed into data. The data that has been processed will become a reference for strategic decision-making by the company.

This webinar series 34 ran smoothly and interactively, especially in the question and answer session, where participants actively asked questions related to supply chains and data personalization. All these questions can be answered very clearly by the resource person. (Sudanta-Public Relations)

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