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UNDIP Successfully Participated in Business Matching for Innovate Medical and Pharmaceutical Equipments

Diponegoro University (Undip) is a Legal Entity State Higher Education (PTNBH) actively engaged in technological inventions through research and development. Undip has successfully produced innovative products in health and pharmacy, contributing to accelerating downstream research results, particularly in health and pharmacy equipment. This effort ensures the community feels the benefits and underscores Undip’s commitment to supporting the government’s priority program for achieving self-sufficiency in domestic health equipment production. Undip collaborates with the government, business, and industrial sectors to steer the downstream efforts.

Under Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 on Accelerating the Increase in the Use of Domestic Products and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Products to Support the Proud Movement of Indonesian Products and the execution of Undip Rector Regulation Number 30 of 2020 on Governance and Transfer of Intellectual Property and the Results of Research, Development, Innovation, and Community Service, Undip strives to create collaborative and strategic synergy between the university and the industry, contributing to achieving 8 (eight) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and downstream innovative product, facilitated through business matching.

Undip successfully participated in the “Business Matching for Innovative Health and Pharmacy Equipment” on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at JW Marriott Hotel, Ring Road Utara Street, Kaliwaru, Condongcatur, Depok, Yogyakarta. The event was attended by representatives from 36 manufacturers, 27 distributors, and 27 researchers from various Indonesian universities.

Undip was represented by two researchers in the Health and Pharmacy Equipment field: Dr. Rifky Ismail from the Faculty of Engineering and Dr. drh. Dwi Sutiningsih from the Faculty of Public Health and the Directorate of Innovation and Cooperation team, drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Ph.D. (Director) and Dr. I. Made Bayu Dirgantara (Deputy Director). Mas Anantha Boedhy Prakosa, ST., M.Si, (Innovation Section Manager) and Yuni Nurjanah, SS., MA (Supervisor of Research Results Downstream Subdivision) represented the Innovation and Cooperation Bureau.

Many manufacturers are interested in Undip’s medical equipment products and plan to collaborate to produce Undip’s research results for commercialization in the future, including PT THC Martin Industri (non-sterile, non-electromedical manufacturer), which requires needles/blood group detection equipment and widal. Since it is used so much continuously, the product is still imported. Many more producers and distributors are interested in collaborating with Undip to downstream and upstream Undip’s research results, which in the future will be followed up with personal business matching between the two parties.

The event was also attended by Dr. Dra. Lucia Rizka Andalucia, Apt., M.Pharm, MARS (Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia), Representative of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Institutions/Head of BKPM, Main Director of BPJS, Deputy for MSMEs, Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, Representatives of the Governor of DIY and high-ranking officials from relevant ministries as well as the Heads of LKPP, KPK, and BPKP and other officials.

Gakeslab initiated the business matching event in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The event was held in conjunction with the 8th National Gakeslab Indonesia National Conference. The Business Matching event was opened by the Director of Pharmaceutical Resilience and Medical Devices, Indonesian Ministry of Health, Roy Himawan, S.Farm., Apt., MKM. Followed by Business Matching between Distributors and Manufacturers in the first session and Producers with Component Researchers in the second session. The event ran orderly and smoothly, in accordance with the provisions and ended in accordance with expectations, namely achieving collaboration between component researchers from universities and their leading producers to downstream and upstream university research results in accordance with the needs of producers and the community.

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