Undip Welcomes Inbound Students for the PMM 4 Program

Diponegoro University welcomed inbound students of Independent Student Exchange / Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) program 4 in the BAA courtroom, SA MWA building on the Undip campus in Tembalang on Friday (16/2). The PPM program launched by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology encourages students to become agents of change. There are numerous benefits from the PMM program; the students can explore and learn the diverse culture of Nusantara, form friendships with students from different provinces, and have a chance to study on other campuses in Indonesia.

This event was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Director for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Vice Director for Student Affairs and Alumni, Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Coordinator of PMM 4 at the University, Coordinator of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), and the students of the PMM program.

The Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., greeted and welcomed the arrival of the inbound students of PMM 4 Diponegoro University. “We are delighted Undip can be a part of your life journey and success. We are also grateful for entrusting Undip to be your campus. This process is truly priceless,” Prof Suharnomo expressed.

Dr. Aris Ismanto S.Si., M.Si., the Coordinator of the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka at the University, mentioned in his report that in this fourth PMM program, Undip received 48 inbound student participants. Undip also sent 23 outbound student participants to various universities in Indonesia. “This year, Undip welcomed 48 inbound participants and sent 23 Undip students to public universities in other regions within Indonesia. The furthest, we sent 2 students to Sorong,” explained Aris.

Aris added that the PMM 4 implements the Nusantara Module Activity. The Nusantara Module Activity consists of 14 activities, including inspiration, diversity, and social contribution. This Nusantara Module Activity will take place throughout one semester and will be accompanied by Nusantara Module Lecturers Dinalestari Purbawati, S.E., M.Si., Akt., and Riandhita Eri Werdani, S.M.B., M.S.M.

Muhammad Bijak Ramadhan Astapradja from Andalas University, representing PMM 4 students, expressed gratitude on this occasion. “Thanks to everyone involved, and thanks to the PMM 4 program, we can build friendships across regions and cultures,” said Bijak Ramadhan.

The event continued with the symbolic handing over of Student ID Cards (KTM) by the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., to the representatives of PMM 4 students. The event concluded with a group photo session with all inbound students of PMM 4.

Regarding the MBKM program, previously Ayu Sabrina, a student of Diponegoro University majoring in International Relations FISIP, had the opportunity to meet with the President of Indonesia and the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim because she was chosen as an inspirational figure for the campus teaching program. [Reference link: https://undip.ac.id/post/19910/ayu-sabrina-mahasiswa-hubungan-internasional-fisip-undip-mendapatkan-kehormatan-bertemu-presiden-dan-mendikbud-ristek-dalam-rangka-program-kampus-mengajar.html] (GR/Sudanta ed. Ut-Public Relations)

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