The Faculty of Engineering, through the Engineering Career Center, in collaboration with Level 7 Indonesia, held the Undip Career Days for the fourth time. This job fair event took place on March 6-7, 2024, at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang campus.
Undip Career Days is a regular job fair event organized by the Engineering Career Center, one of the units under the Faculty of Engineering Undip that deals explicitly with career and alumni issues. First held in 2023, It provides a platform for career exploration and preparation for alumni, especially from the Faculty of Engineering Undip.
“Previously, we have conducted Undip Career Days three times a year, especially during graduation ceremonies. The attendees of Undip Career Days are job seekers, including graduates from the Faculty of Engineering itself, graduates from Undip, and graduates from other universities,” said Dr. Abdul Syakur, Deputy Dean of Resources, Faculty of Engineering Undip.
This year, there were 37 companies, both national and international, participating in the fourth Undip Career Days. Not only engineering-related companies participated, but banking, investment, and other companies also participated.
The Head of the Semarang City Manpower Office, Dr. Sutrisno, S.KM., M.H.Kes., appreciated the Undip Career Days. He stated that this event could help the people of Semarang City to find employment more quickly. “In Semarang City, there are more workers than abroad, so the absorption of workers must also be greater. Hopefully, this event can help,” he said.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T. hopes that this event can be held again as a form of introduction for new graduates to the world of work. “This event needs to be done as a promotional effort, considering the different conditions in Indonesia and abroad. In foreign countries, students are already directed towards their career paths after graduation, while here, they are not,” said Prof. Jamari.