Undip Celebrates the Holy Month of Ramadhan 1445 H by Holding Tarawih Prayers Together

In this holy month of Ramadan in the year 1445 H, Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) once again organized the Tarawih Prayer and Ramadan Lecture for the academic community and the extended Undip family. This event is a routine activity of Undip every month during Ramadan. As the opening of the Tarawih Keliling (Tarling) series, the first Tarawih Prayer was held on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at the Imam Barjo Auditorium, Undip Pleburan Campus.

The Undip Rector attended the event, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., along with the chairperson of DWP Undip, Asih Budiastuti, S.H., C.N.; Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons, and Secretary of the Board of Trustees; Chairperson and Secretary of the Academic Senate; Vice Rectors; Deans and Deputy Deans of Faculties/Schools; Directors; Heads and Managers of Undip; as well as Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons of the Student Executive Board (BEM) and Student Senate of Undip.

The event began with the Isha prayer followed by the Tarawih and Witr prayers led by Dr. Rozihan, S.H., M.Ag., Vice Chairman of BAZNAS Central Java, who also served as the preacher. The Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., became the host of this first Tarling activity and delivered his brief remarks.

“Let us be grateful for being brought together in this holy month of Ramadan this year. Despite the heavy rain, we are still able to perform Tarawih prayers together. Hopefully, future Tarling activities of Undip can be attended by more Undip academic communities, including students. May Allah always protect and bestow welfare upon all Undip academic communities,” said the Undip Rector.

Dr. Rozihan, S.H., M.Ag., as the leader of prayer, delivered a lecture titled “Alms and Zakat in the Month of Ramadan.” He emphasized that habits influence humans, so efforts should be made to cultivate positive and good habits. He also mentioned the tradition of closing the books in the month of Sha’ban for the purpose of calculating Zakat. Zakat has a close relationship with prayer. “It is explained in the verses that wherever the word prayer is, there is always the word Zakat. Therefore, we are taught to perfect prayer with Zakat,” he explained.

Dr. Rozihan, S.H., M.Ag., also advised, “Let us together strive for goodness, one of which is through charity. Charity in Ramadan has an advantage as it is multiplied 70 times compared to other months.”

Thus, the Tarawih prayer event “Tarling” is expected to increase faith, holiness, knowledge of Islamic teachings, and unity among the Universitas Diponegoro family. (Sudanta-Public Relations)

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