The Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Academic Senate Board of Professors arranged an “Undip’s Professor Talk” Webinar, the 14th series of Diponegoro University Academic Senate Board of Professors Brainstorming, on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 13.00 WIB on Official Youtube UndipTV. The event raised the theme “Aquaculture on Coastal Area for Food Sustainability.”
The Head of the UNDIP Academic Senate Board of Professors officially launched the event, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA. During his speech, Prof. Purwanto claimed that Indonesia has been known as a maritime country, with 70% of its area comprised of sea and a total of approximately 17 thousand islands, making it an extensive potential for future expenditure.
“This is a quite massive potential as a maritime country that has a coastal area to be utilized, particularly in the aquaculture field,” stated Prof. Purwanto.
Based on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) data published on June 29, 2022, Indonesia’s fishery industry reached 6,43 million tons, the second largest after China, which produced 11,77 million tons. It has become a massive potential to be developed and expanded.
However, despite all this potential, the public demand for fishery products is still low. “This has become our joint task, in addition to increasing production and consumption of animal protein, especially from aquaculture products,” said Prof. Purwanto.
On the same occasion, the Chief of Commission B of the Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med., explained that fishery culture development or aquaculture has immense potential for commercial and conservation purposes. However, the mangrove forest has deteriorated significantly, as beach protection, carbon absorption, and fishery product contributors are also affected.
“Therefore, a study on how cultivation, especially utilization of mangroves for coastal aquaculture to support food sustainability is crucial,” explained Prof. Heri Sutanto.
In addition, Prof. Heri Sutanto stated that this scientific forum also serves as a mutual information-sharing forum related to research, research development, and downstream aquaculture for food sustainability.
The Webinar proceeded with a presentation by the speakers. Moderated by Prof. Dra. Norma Afiati, M.Sc., Ph.D., this Webinar invited three speakers, namely Prof. Drs. Sapto Purnomo Putro, M.Si., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics UNDIP, who presented “The Application of Smart Modern Aquaculture for Sustainability and Productivity Prospects and Challenges”.
The second speaker, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Rejeki, M.Sc., from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences UNDIP, presented the topic of Mangrove-Friendly Aquaculture. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Yusri Karim, M.Si., the third speaker from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences UNHAS, presented the topic of Silvofishery-based Mangrove Crab Aquaculture.
The Webinar was attended by the Head and Secretary of the Academic Senate, the Head and Secretary of the UNDIP’s Board of Professors, the Head and Secretary of Commissions A B, C and D of UNDIP’s Board of Professors, and all webinar attendees.
Those interested in studying aquaculture can visit