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UNDIP is Ready to Deploy 7,254 Students to Implement the Community Service Program

Semarang – Central Java (8/7). Diponegoro University is ready to deploy 7,254 students to participate in the Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata / KKN) in 11 (eleven) regencies and 1 (one) city in Central Java. The deployment ceremony for the Community Service Team II for the 2023/2024 academic year, consisting of 7,254 students, is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at the UNDIP stadium, Tembalang campus. The UNDIP Rector will officially deploy the students to implement their acquired knowledge in the target areas for approximately 45 days.

The Vice Chairman of Community Service at LPPM UNDIP, dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, M.Si., Med., Sp.And. (K), M.M.R., Ph.D., stated that the number of students participating in this period’s Community Service program is extraordinary, totaling 7,254 students. He further explained that students undertaking the Community Service program are equipped to implement five (5) aspects of community service: integration of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach, cross-sectoral collaboration, broad dimensions, and active community involvement.

“This Community Service program focuses more on poverty alleviation and food security,” said dr. Achmad Zulfa.

The 7,254 Community Service students will be deployed in 12 (twelve) areas in Central Java, including 11 (eleven) regencies: Pemalang, Pekalongan, Batang, Temanggung, Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Sragen, Karanganyar, and Wonogiri, and 1 (one) city: Surakarta.

The distribution of the areas is as follows: 629 students in Pemalang Regency will be placed in 7 (seven) districts: Ulujami, Comal, Petarukan, Ampelgading, Taman, Pemalang, and Bodeh. Then, 630 students with the destination of Pekalongan regency will be placed in 7 (seven) districts: Tirto, Wonokerto, Wiradesa, Siwalan, Sragi, Kedungwuni, and Buaran. Next, 648 students will be placed in Batang Regency, spread across 7 (seven) districts: Kademan, Subah, Banyuputih, Gringsing, Tulis, Limpung, and Bandar. Following that, 615 students with the destination of Temanggung Regency will be placed in 6 (six) districts: Jumo, Bulu, Ngadirejo, Kedu, Parakan, and Bansari. Meanwhile, in Magelang Regency, 630 students will undertake the Community Service program in 7 (seven) districts: Ngablak, Pakis, Grabag, Secang, Candimulyo, Tegalrejo, and Mertoyudan. In Boyolali regency, UNDIP will deploy 594 students spread across 7 (seven) districts: Simo, Sambi, Ampel, Kemusu, Juwangi, Wonosegoro, and Wonosamodro. Next, in Klaten Regency, 629 students will be placed in 7 (seven) districts: Wedi, Bayat, Cawas, Karanganom, Tulung, Jatinom, and Polanharjo. In Sukoharjo, 630 students will be deployed in 7 (seven) districts: Sukoharjo, Baki, Grogol, Mojolaban, Bendosari, Nguter, and Tawangsari. Following that, 573 students will be deployed in Surakarta city, covering 5 (five) districts: Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon, Jebres, and Banjarsari. In the Sragen Regency, UNDIP will send 551 students placed in 7 (seven) districts: Sukodono, Kalijambe, Plupuh, Mondokan, Sumberlawang, Miri, and Gemolong. In Karanganyar regency, 550 students will be deployed for the program in 7 (seven) districts: Gondangrejo, Jaten, Kebakkramat, Mojogedang, Tasikmadu, Kerjo, and Karanganyar. The next Community Service destination regency is Wonogiri, where UNDIP will deploy 575 students to implement the program in 7 (seven) districts: Ngadirojo, Selogiri, Tirtimoyo, Wonogiri, Wuryantoro, Eromoko, and Nguntoronadi.

It is hoped that the UNDIP’s Community Service Team II, for the 2023/2024 academic year, who will undertake the Community Service program, will be able to apply their knowledge, dedicate their thoughts and energy, and provide contributions and innovations that can empower and benefit the community. (Ut-Public Relations)

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