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UNDIP Community Service Students Encourage Karanganyar Community to be Independent

The Community Service Program (KKN) students of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Team II for 2024, who were deployed to their respective Community Service locations starting on July 9, 2024, have now reached the final phase of their activities. The highlight of the Community Service program was marked by an expo or showcase event held in the district where the program took place, featuring the flagship products from each subdistrict.

The UNDIP Community Service Expo in Karanganyar Regency, themed “Student Service Creating a Self-Reliant Karanganyar,” was held at the MABES Convention Center in Karanganyar on August 14, 2024. UNDIP representatives attending the event included Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) UNDIP; Dr. Fuad Muhammad, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer at FSM UNDIP; and the (Institute for Research and Community Service) LPPM UNDIP team.

In his speech, Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. mentioned that 540 active UNDIP students participated in the Community Service activities in Karanganyar Regency, accompanied by 18 supervising lecturers. He expressed his hope that the UNDIP Community Service team would be able to carry out their work programs successfully.

Dwi Cahyono, representing Karanganyar Regency, said, “We appreciate the Community Service students who have helped our community. For the programs based on each village’s strengths, we hope there will be monitoring to see if these programs continue within the community.”

In support of an Independent Karanganyar (Karanganyar Berdikari), the UNDIP Community Service students contributed for approximately 40 days, assisting each village in Karanganyar Regency with various programs tailored to each town’s potential. The current issues in Karanganyar include sanitation problems, environmental pollution, and stunting prevention. Meanwhile, the natural potential in Karanganyar includes fish farming.

The flagship products from UNDIP Community Service Team II 2024 in Karanganyar included Aquascape, Catfish-Based Product Diversification, Fresh Lemongrass Mosquito Repellent Spray, Green Village Development Initiatives, Stunting Prevention with Processed Catfish and Purple Sweet Potato Foods, Catfish Rice Balls, Instagram Ads Project Socialization, Household Waste Management Socialization, the Release of the Jatiharjo Village Ethnographic Notes Book, Waste Bank Optimization, Butterfly Pea Flower Herbal Tea Products, and other various flagship products. The village’s potential resource development ideas from the Community Service students are expected to help the Karanganyar community become self-reliant through entrepreneurship. (Titis – Public Relations)

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