Strengthening Gratification Control Program, SPI UNDIP Holds Technical Guidance by KPK

UNDIP – Semarang. The Internal Audit Unit (Satuan Pengawas Internal / SPI) of Universitas Diponegoro conducted a technical guidance session for the Gratification Control Unit (Unit Pengendalian Gratifikasi / UPG) and the Gratification Control Task Force in collaboration with the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi / KPK) on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. The event was held in Seminar Room II, Muladi Dome Building, UNDIP Tembalang Campus. This activity is part of the implementation of the State University Ecosystem Integrity Strengthening Program (Penguatan Integritas Ekosistem Perguruan Tinggi Negeri / PIEPTN) by Universitas Diponegoro related to Gratification Control.

In his opening remarks, the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., stated that this activity supports the realization of good governance and independence. Good governance is a principle of proper management in higher education institutions. Appropriate governance is crucial to ensuring the quality of education, transparency, accountability, and the effective and efficient management of resources. Meanwhile, independence serves as a foundation for creativity, innovation, and enhancing competitiveness.

The keynote speaker from KPK RI, Muhammad Indra Furqon, a Senior Trainer at the KPK RI’s Directorate of Education and Anti-Corruption Training, presented material titled “Building Integrity and an Anti-Gratification Culture.” He explained that the definition and forms of gratification, according to the explanation of Article 12B of Law No. 20 of 2001, encompass a wide range of gifts, including money, goods, discounts, commissions, interest-free loans, travel tickets, accommodation facilities, leisure travel, free medical treatment, and other benefits. He also outlined the criminal elements related to gratification involving state officials or civil servants, as stipulated in Article 12B Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of Law No. 20 of 2001.

Thus, there is a need for a Gratification Control Program which aims to transparently and accountably control the receipt of gratuities through a series of activities involving the active participation of government bodies, businesses, and the public to establish a controlled environment for handling gratuities.

The Gratification Control Program includes mapping areas prone to gratification, formulating internal gratification control regulations, establishing the Gratification Control Unit (UPG), and conducting anti-gratification awareness and campaign activities.

The session continued with a sharing session featuring the second speaker, Shanti Riskawati, S.H., M.Kn., CLA, Head of the Gratification Control Unit and Complaint Handling at Universitas Brawijaya. She shared insights on Gratification Control at Universitas Brawijaya.

By collaborating with universities, KPK hopes that universities can contribute to maintaining a healthy working environment free from corruption, collusion, nepotism, and gratification. Additionally, universities are expected to instill anti-corruption and anti-gratification values in their curriculum to build individuals with integrity. (Ut-media relations)

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