UNDIP Contingent Receive Awards and Experience at PIMNAS 2024

The series of events for the 37th National Student Scientific Week (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional / PIMNAS) in 2024, which took place from October 14 to October 18, reached its climax with the Medal Awarding Night and Closing Ceremony on Friday, October 18, 2024, at the Airlangga Convention Center, MERR-C Campus, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

In this national-scale annual scientific competition, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) sent nine teams from its Student Creativity Program (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa / PKM) contingent. The UNDIP teams achieved one special award and two bronze medals. Nabila Hanna Inayah, a student from the Faculty of Psychology, received the Talented Student award for her work titled “Kilau Cahaya’ Zona Hitam’ Semarang: Problem-Based Learning Character Education Program as a Gamification Design in SDN 01 Bandarharjo.”

In addition, the PKM Team consisting of Mohammad Imam Turmudhi, Danang Ramadhan, Sahril Nur Ferdiansyah, Joy Nadia Irene Wicaksono (Faculty of Economics and Business) and Adilla Panca Karsa (Faculty of Psychology) won a bronze medal in the Poster category of PKM-PM 1 class. Their poster work, entitled “Mindfulpreneur: Utilization of Cathartic Art and Digital Marketing to Increase Entrepreneurial Mindfulness in Teenagers at the PGOT Mardi Utomo Social Service Center,” received attention from the judges.

Other teams from the Faculty of Engineering that also won bronze were Refah Hakam Muhammad, Galih Aditya Fernanda, St. Nur Rifqah Aliyah, Alan Tajri Akbar, and Aufa Fadhil Islami, through the work “Utilization of Livestock Manure as Biogas and Bio-slurry Using IoT-Based EM4 Catalyst in Jabungan Semarang to Achieve Energy Independence” in the Poster category of PKM-PM 3 class.

Although this year’s achievement decreased compared to the previous year, UNDIP Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T., emphasized the importance of taking lessons from every experience. “Alhamdulillah, whatever we get must hold a lot of wisdom. Maybe we think it’s not the best, but we are sure there are lessons that we must take from all of this. This incident is a lesson for us, so we don’t need to lament it,” he said.

Looking ahead to next year’s PIMNAS, UNDIP is committed to conducting a comprehensive evaluation to improve performance and better results. “We will comprehensively review and optimize the resources available at UNDIP, including the great researchers we have. We believe that by maximizing this potential, we can achieve better results in the future,” added Prof. Heru.

Prof. Heru also delivered a message of encouragement to all contingents and students. “You don’t have to be disappointed. Everyone is sad, but we must take this as positive energy. The pleasure of being a champion is only felt when we know what it feels like to lose, and we will achieve that next year.” (Hng-Public Relations)

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