Excellent Achievements Made by Desi Yanti, a Graduate of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences UNDIP

The multi-talented achievements of Desi Yanti Laura Nadeak are evident from her participation in various competitions—both academic and non-academic—totaling 60 events.

“Out of those 60 competitions, I won around 25, including essay writing, debates, PKM (Student Creativity Program), singing, leadership training, and being selected as an outstanding student,” shared the Universitas Diponegoro graduate, who is fondly called Desi.

Desi’s impressive accomplishments were achieved while pursuing her studies in Aquatic Resource Management at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences UNDIP. Despite her busy schedule, she earned a 3.72 GPA as the best graduate with Cum Laude honors, completing her studies in 3 years, 6 months, and 14 days (3.5 years).

“Among the academic competitions I won are the Bronze Medal at the International Youth Summit on Renewable Energy 2022; First Place at the National Youth Innovation Short Essay Competition 2020; Second Place at the Madina National Essay Competition 2021; First Place in the Public Speaking Class by Rumah Bahasa’ KBBI SULTRA’ 2022; and Second Place at the National Rhetoric Public Speaking Competition held by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in 2023,” Desi explained.

“In non-academic competitions, I was recognized as the Best Participant at LKMMD FPIK and LKMMTM UNDIP, the Inspirational Student, and First Place in the Aquatic Award in the Solo Singing Category,” she added.

Coming from outside Jawa Island, Desi had high expectations for UNDIP. Throughout her studies, she discovered that UNDIP genuinely lives up to its reputation as a student-friendly campus. Numerous facilities are available to support student’s needs and abilities.

“This left a great impression on me. For instance, it’s rare to see a public university providing free meals for students. They also respond quickly to student concerns about facilities, and, most importantly, the curriculum is enjoyable,” she said.

“In my academic experience, I met many professors. The higher their academic credentials, the more humble they were, always teaching in ways that students could easily get,” Desi added.

Throughout her time at UNDIP, Desi actively participated in student activities such as organizations (UNDIP Student Executive Board 2022, FPIK Student Executive Board 2021, and the UNDIP UKM-F Farmasea), competitions (essay writing, debates, scientific research, and PKM), and served as a teaching assistant for six courses (Ichthyology, Aquatic Invertebrates, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Basics, Integrated Coastal Zone Planning, and Population Dynamics and Fish Stock Assessment).

“On weekends, I usually speak at student events at Universitas Diponegoro, such as LKMMPD, LT, LKMMD, and internal upgrading sessions. As of 2024, I’ve attended 35 events as a speaker,” Desi shared.

“Dreams are free, so choose the best ones. Why debate whether students should focus solely on academics or participate in organizations when they can do both? They are mutually reinforcing—organizations build adaptability and real-world skills, while academics provide the fundamental knowledge to apply those skills. Lacking one weakens the whole structure,” emphasized Desi, who graduated on April 24, 2024.

Interested in learning more about the study programs at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences? Visit the FPIK UNDIP website. (DHW-PR)

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