UNDIP Community Service Students Hold an Exhibition: Bringing Innovation and Collaboration for Community Development of Klaten Regency

UNDIP, Semarang (February 8) – Team I of Universitas Diponegoro Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata / KKN) students successfully held a work exhibition entitled “Urip Kuwi Urup, Gawe Padhang Ing Liyan: Life Must Give Light to Others.” It aimed to expect students to bring helpful knowledge and apply it in society. Through the innovation and skills they have, students can make a real contribution to improving welfare, providing solutions, and illuminating people’s lives with knowledge that is directly applied in the form of products or services. The exhibition took place at the Yudhistira Multipurpose Building, Ngering Village, Jogonalan District, Klaten Regency, on Saturday, February 8, 2025.

With the implementation of the Community Service Program, it is hoped that students will be able to make tangible contributions to the surrounding community and the Klaten Regency government. UNDIP Community Service students in Klaten Regency who are spread across 4 (four) sub-districts, namely Gantiwarno, Karangnongko, Kebonarum, and Jogonalan, presented 4 large groups of exhibition stands in each sub-district, which show off the results of their work programs, innovations and superior products of each region.

Representing the Klaten Regency Government, V. Retno Setyaningsih, S.K.M., M.M.R., as the Head of Gantiwarno Sub-district, expressed her appreciation to UNDIP students who have carried out community service in the Klaten Regency. “I represent the four sub-districts that received benefits from the UNDIP Community Service Program to express my greatest gratitude to the academic community of Diponegoro University, which is my alma mater. I express my deepest gratitude for today’s work title. Extraordinary. During my tenure as sub-district head, this is the first time I have seen a student work title as lively as this. I am very proud; it turns out that UNDIP is extraordinary organizes an extraordinary work title like this. Ladies and gentlemen. Gelar Karya is certainly very beneficial for our sub-districts, both Kebonarum, Gantiwarno, Jogonalan, and Karangnongko. We really hope that with all the innovations and contributions of knowledge given to our region, to the village, and the sub-district, I represent the four sub-districts. I am very grateful,” he said.

Retno also emphasized that the innovations shown by students will be an inspiration and will be implemented further in their respective regions and can provide progress to the village. “The innovations presented will be an inspiration; we will continue to be innovative in our sub-district and our village. We hope that what the students present today can provide progress to the village. Community service program really has an extraordinary impact,” said Retno.

Meanwhile, the Director of Systems and Technology at Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Aris Puji Widodo, S.Si., M.T., in his speech, stated that this Community Service activity is an important part of higher education, namely how higher education is able to integrate science with social life in society. In implementing a Community Service program, students not only learn academically but also need to practice interacting directly with the community in community development with several proposed innovations and technology works.

“Community Service is an important part of higher education, namely how we as a university are able to integrate science with social life in society. In implementing the activities, students not only learn academically but also need to practice interacting directly with the community in community development with several proposed innovation and technology works,” said Aris.

“Hopefully, what the Team 1 UNDIP Community Service has done in Klaten Regency can inspire us all to build a more advanced and prosperous community,” hoped Aris.

Furthermore, the Chief Executive of the Klaten Regency Exhibition, Megan Anugrah Nirvananda Santoso, as well as a student representative, hopes that this event can be felt to be beneficial, becoming a forum for students, lecturers, and the community to exchange insights, build friendships, and work together for the welfare of the Klaten Regency community. We also apologize if this Gelar Karya event is still far from perfect.

“Although only in a very short time, we hope that the essence of this event can be felt. We hope that with this event, we as students, lecturers, sub-district heads, village heads and residents who attend can talk to each other, exchange insights and even become friends and establish cooperation between villages with the same goal, namely to improve the welfare of the community. “For the people of Klaten Regency, we also express our deepest apologies if this event is still very far from perfect,” said Megan.

The exhibition took place lively with the enlivening performance of the ‘Kreasi dance’ from the Sanggar Tari Omah Wayang and entertainment singing and dancing with Community Service students. It presented stands from four sub-districts full of innovative works by Universitas Diponegoro students. The UNDIP Community Service Coordinator, Field Supervisor Lecturers of Gantiwarno, Karangnongko, Kebonarum, and Jogonalan Sub-districts, Gantiwarno Sub-district Head, Jogonalan Sub-district Head, Police Chief, Karangturi and Baturan Village Heads, and Kebonarum Sub-district Secretary also attended the event. (R)

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