UNDIP, Semarang (February 24, 2025) – Selected students are campaigning to Stop Sexual Violence to create a safe, inclusive, and harassment-free academic environment. This campaign was initiated by Mas and Mbak Universitas Diponegoro 2024, M. Shiddiq Harya (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) and Maliya Putri (Vocational School) during an online discussion session on Sunday, February 23, 2025.
As Mas UNDIP 2024, Shiddiq explained, the SATGAS PPKS (Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual) / Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence at UNDIP continues to develop with ongoing training. “The presence of Mas and Mbak UNDIP is expected to contribute to creating a welcoming environment for all students,” said M. Shiddiq Harya.
Meanwhile, Maliya Putri, as Mbak UNDIP 2024, expressed her hope to “serve as a bridge between students and relevant stakeholders, ensuring trust and standing firm together.” She further emphasized the campaign’s core message: “Welcoming, Firm, and Trustworthy.”
This campaign message is directed at all members of Universitas Diponegoro’s academic community. “Welcoming” signifies upholding civility, “Firm” reflects zero tolerance for all forms of violence, and “Trustworthy” represents the commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe academic space. This initiative serves as a breath of fresh air for UNDIP students in 2025 and is expected to become a guiding principle in the years ahead.
The campaign was inspired by practical training conducted during the Level II Enhancement Class on Saturday, October 19, 2024, in collaboration with Dr. Hastaning Sakti, M.Kes., Psikolog, the Head of SATGAS PPKS UNDIP. The initiative translates acquired knowledge into meaningful contributions to humanity.
This campaign will foster collective well-being across all aspects of Universitas Diponegoro, reinforcing the idea that a university should be a safe, peaceful, and educated learning space. With Mas and Mbak UNDIP 2024 as the front-line initiators, they aspire to extend this movement beyond campus, inspiring a more civil society. (Muh Nur Fajar Shobirin, edited by UT Media Relations)