
DWP Undip Held 58th Kartini Day Commemoration Event and Halal Bi Halal 1444 H

Dharma Wanita Association of Diponegoro University (DWP Undip) held a commemoration event for Kartini Day and Halal bi Halal in the Hall of Prof. Darmanto Jatman, S.U., Faculty of Psychology Undip on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 08:30 WIB. Raising the theme of “Self Reflection on Becoming a Strong and Accomplished Woman”, this event is a momentum for DWP Undip members to strengthen the fighting spirit of R.A. Kartini as well as the Halal bi Halal forum after the Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H. Led by the Chairperson of the DWP Undip Mrs. Asih Budiastuti, S.H., C.N., this event was attended by the Undip Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D, heads of DWP Faculty, DWP Undip members and invited guests. The event began with the chanting of kalam ilahi and Qur’an recitations, which were followed by the performances of several songs by the Chairperson of the DWP units and the Permata Swara Choir Team.

Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., MA. as the chairman of the committee said that this event was a series of “Cheerful and Happy Ramadan” DWP Undip caring activities which had been carried out starting from April 9, 2023, and closed with the Halal bi Halal event which was the closing activity of the series of events.

Mrs. Anita Dwi Cahyo Utomo in her remarks on behalf of the Head of the DWP Undip expressed her gratitude for the participation of the Dharma Wanita Undip and all parties involved so that the DWP Undip events could run smoothly. “Hopefully the spirit of Kartini will be timeless, here we commemorate Kartini Day as well as a series with Halal bi Halal,” said Mrs. Anita.

In his remarks, Undip Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. as the DWP Undip Advisor said that women have a role and are an important part of Undip’s performance and welfare. Mother is a source of kindness that maintains the dignity of the family. “After reflecting on it, it turns out where the goals of Undip will be, what it wants to be depends on the mothers and wives of employees at Undip. Apart from that, the realization of the university ranking is also thanks to the blessings and prayers of all ladies,” said Prof. Yos.

The event continued with a talk show with the Head of the DWP Undip, Mrs. Asih Budiastuti, S.H., C.N. by inviting Mrs. Hasbiyah Nasir as the speaker. Beginning with the recitation of the holy Qur’an and prayers, Mrs. Hasbiyah Nasir explained several things in life that are important to remember as a woman. She mentioned that in order to achieve success, apart from effort, one also needs the power of prayer. We must not underestimate the power of prayer because with prayer everything can be realized by the power of Allah SWT. “If you have a desire, ask Allah SWT, don’t ask other intermediaries. Say a prayer not only in Arabic because actually Allah knows what we want and Allah is pleased if we pray and ask Him,” she said.

Mrs. Hasbiyah Nasir said there are four things that we need to remember as women in life to become strong and accomplished women. The first is good and clean intentions in accordance with the hadith innamal a’malu binniyat which means “actually all actions depend on the intention”. The second is prayer, how powerful the power of prayer is because indeed Allah is the one who turns the human heart around. Next is qanaah, which means the nature of accepting what God has given us. The last one is gratitude, because gratitude and being able to feel sufficient and happy for what God has given us is a form of sustenance.

“In praying there is also an ethic, the most accepted time of prayer is in the third part of the night. Hopefully our efforts and prayers will be answered by Allah SWT at the right time,” concluded Mrs. Hasbiyah Nasir.

The discussion and question-and-answer session with the DWP Undip members to the speakers also took place in a lively and communicative manner. The event was closed by giving door prizes and Halal bi Halal DWP Undip along with all invited guests. (Titis/Ulfa – Public Relations)

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