Stories of the 2023 UTBK-SNBT Participants at Diponegoro University

Several participants of the UTBK-SNBT (Computer-Based Writing Examination – Test-Based National Selection) at Diponegoro University shared their interesting stories while taking the UTBK-SNBT test.

Annisa Yumna, a graduate of SMA Negeri 6 Semarang admitted that she was still nervous after passing the exam on the first day, Monday (8/5) at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip.

“I still felt nervous, fortunately I have tried my best and I hope that I will pass the exam. Everyone definitely wants to be accepted at Undip which is the best and most favorite campus in Central Java,” said Annisa.

She revealed that she had prepared for the UTBK exam for two months. After the UTBK implementation, she hopes to be accepted as one of the Undip students.

Similar like Annisa, another participant, Fara (graduate of SMA IT Bina Amal) said that when she first entered the room she felt anxious but after passing the exam she felt relieved.

“Now I am a bit relieved even though at first the feelings were mixed, but Alhamdulillah it can be handled well,” said Fara.

She explained that she had been preparing for UTBK since November and was assisted by tutoring from her school.

Meanwhile, another UTBK-SNBT participant, Athaya Nugraha, revealed that he hopes to be accepted at university through the UTBK-SNBT this year.

“For the preparation I started two months ago, it includes private tutoring and also buying books that support the exam,” he said.

Undip is one of the major universities in Indonesia in terms of the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) for Undergraduate and Diploma IV programs. The selection is carried out through three main pathways namely National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), Test-Based National Selection (SNBT), and Independent Examination (UM).

The implementation of the 2023 UTBK-SNBT at Diponegoro University was attended by 25,522 participants. The number of computers used for UTBK is 1,225 computers which are available at the Pleburan campus and the Tembalang campus. The implementation of the UTBK-SNBT was held in 2 phases. Phase 1 will start from May 8-15, 2023 and phase 2 will be held on May 22-25, 2023. (LW-Ulfa/Public Relations)

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