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UNDIP Receives the 2024 Emeralds Usage Award

UNDIP has once again received an award from Emerald Publishing. Diponegoro University is among the Top 20 Highest Usage universities worldwide. In the Emerald’s High Usage Awards 2024, UNDIP ranked 3rd in Indonesia. It also secured the 5th position in Asia and 9th globally.

Emerald Publishing is a global publisher offering a variety of academic disciplines from different countries, featuring content such as scientific articles, scholarly journals, case studies, open-access materials, and expert briefings.

Emerald Publishing presented the Emerald’s High Usage Awards 2024 to UNDIP, represented by UNDIP’s Vice Rector for Communication and Business, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D., at the UPT Library and UNDIP Press (Wednesday, 15/5).

Wan Yat Seng, Vice President/Regional Director of Southeast Asia at Emerald Publishing, Irwan Sukardi, Business Manager Representative of Emerald Publishing from Asia, and Sugiyanto S.Pd, Supervisor of the UPT Library and UNDIP Press, attended the award ceremony.

Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D., expressed gratitude and congratulations to the academic community of UNDIP for receiving the award from Emerald Publishing. This year marks the second year Emerald has been awarded UNDIP for its achievements in accessing and using data documents provided by Emerald Publishing. “This demonstrates that UNDIP is a productive university in utilizing e-resources available in the library, especially those provided by Emerald,” said Prof. Budi.

“Hopefully, the usage will not only be high but also result in something beneficial for everyone, and more importantly, for the society, nation, and country,” he added.

The increasing productivity of UNDIP provides a more significant opportunity for the university to gain recognition, mainly as this represents recognition and appreciation from the publisher towards UNDIP for the academic community’s willingness to access and obtain such literacy.

“This also shows that the academic community at UNDIP is actively learning, reading, and using the provided resources. The reading activity is something to be proud of amidst concerns about the declining reading enthusiasm among the younger generation. The number of people willing to read books is decreasing day by day. Instead, UNDIP’s academic community likes reading books. This habit indicates that UNDIP has a different identity from other communities and even other universities. Hopefully, this will continue to improve and enhance UNDIP’s reputation further in the eyes of the public and other institutions,” explained Prof. Budi.

Meanwhile, Irwan Sukardi mentioned that in recent years, UNDIP has received awards as one of the institutions with the Top 20 Highest Usage with the highest number of users globally, specifically ranking 9th, which is an extraordinary achievement. “This means not only is there a high interest in accessing and using Emerald Publishing, but also UNDIP has a high editorial board and tested authorship,” said Irwan.

“Hopefully, the cooperation between Emerald and UNDIP will continue, and for the usage, we ask for the help of students and colleagues here to keep using Emerald subscriptions; don’t waste it,” he advised.

For information, UPT Library offers various new services such as workshops, training, seminars, webinars, and socialization activities held every week, including training activities conducted alongside the “Emerald’s High Usage Awards 2024” award ceremony. The training, “Utilizing Springer, Emerald databases to Enhance International Scientific Publications,” was attended by 100 students who participated, with Efa Silvia, an account manager from iGroup (Asia Pacific), as the speaker.

Get complete information about UPT Library UNDIP and UNDIP Press by visiting: (https://digilib.undip.ac.id/). (DHW-Public Relations)

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