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K3 UNDIP Team Routinely Conducts Safety Patrols

The Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment (K3L) employees at Diponegoro University (UNDIP), including faculty/school and central office staff, conducted a safety patrol on Friday morning (July 12, 2023) within the UNDIP campus, accompanied by K3 employees from the UNDIP’s Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment Unit (UPT K3L).

This safety patrol activity follows up after all certified K3L employees participated in refreshment training on K3 management at UNDIP on June 25, 2024.

The purpose of this safety patrol is to promptly identify any high-risk conditions that could endanger people or the environment so they can be addressed immediately. The safety patrol activities are conducted both indoors and outdoors.

“Currently, we are providing guidance and training K3 personnel in inspection practices. Subsequently, they must be able to patrol their respective areas independently. After this guidance, they will conduct patrols on their own, create their patrol schedules, fill out provided forms, and report inspection results to the UPT K3L,” explained Bina Kurniawan, Head of UPT K3L UNDIP.

“The report forms are then sent to us for analysis. If any high-risk conditions are identified, we will take immediate follow-up actions, including investigating any accidents that have already occurred to prevent similar incidents,” Bina continued.

Outdoor safety patrols involve identifying or monitoring potential hazard points, such as scattered trash, clogged drains, improper signage, and dangerous road conditions.

By understanding the actual conditions in the field, appropriate and immediate follow-up actions can be taken to achieve UNDIP Zero Accident, which means no accidents, and UNDIP Zero Waste, which means no scattered trash and well-managed waste.

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