Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) welcomed a visit from the Education and Culture Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in China, Yudil Chatim, SKM., M.Ed., to discuss the “Prospects for Developing Cooperation with China.” The event took place in the MWA Meeting Room, 2nd Floor of the SA-MWA Building, UNDIP Tembalang Campus, on Friday, January 31, 2025, at 09:00 AM.
The event was attended by the Rector of UNDIP, the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and several members of the Board of Trustees (MWA), the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Public Communication, the Director of Reputation, Partnerships, and Global Connectivity, as well as the Deans of Faculties and Schools within UNDIP.
The discussion was led by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Drs. Mohamad Nasir, M.Si., Akt., Ph.D. In his opening remarks, Prof. Nasir emphasized the importance of this visit as an opportunity for UNDIP to establish partnerships with various universities in China. He noted that Chinese universities have made significant progress, with five institutions ranked among the top 100 in the world and 15 in the top 300.
“They have become world-class universities. The key question is how we can take advantage of this opportunity for UNDIP and Indonesia by engaging with the Education and Culture Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in China. I hope the faculties can seize this opportunity,” said Prof. Nasir.
UNDIP Rector, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., stated that UNDIP has already established several collaborations with universities in China. “We aim to expand our partnerships further with Chinese universities due to their rapid advancements,” he explained.
International collaboration, particularly with universities in China, is crucial for improving education quality and research and providing opportunities for students and faculty to develop their potential. “We hope that the visit from the Education and Culture Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in China will help us enhance cooperation opportunities with Chinese universities,” added Prof. Suharnomo.
Yudil Chatim, SKM., M.Ed., highlighted that China has experienced rapid progress in various sectors, including education. “With this progress, we can also benefit from the opportunities it presents. I am offering a University to University and Business (U to U B) collaboration. Several industries in China are interested in U to U B partnerships as they prefer working with universities. If UNDIP is ready, we will look for partners there, hoping for more optimized collaboration,” he stated.
The University to University and Business (U to U B) collaboration can strengthen ties between higher education and industry. Additionally, this cooperation can create new opportunities in education, research, and entrepreneurial development, contributing to better economic and social growth.
The event concluded with an interactive discussion. Through this dialogue, it is hoped that stronger cooperation between UNDIP and various universities in China can be established, ultimately bringing positive impacts on research development, innovation, and the quality of education in both countries.