Fish Waste Transformed into Liquid Fertilizer, Community Service of Undip Students in Pekalongan

Diponegoro University fielded 2,512 students to carry out the Community Service Program (KKN) program in 10 districts in Central Java. One of which is in Pekalongan.

As the culmination of the form of student service in implementing the Tri Dharma College, namely by holding an expo on the results of the KKN program work held at the Yonif 407 Wonopringgo Pekalongan field (Sunday 10/2).

The event “Pekalongan UMKM and Cultural Arts Expo” was attended by Dr.Edy Prasetyo representing the Undip Rector along with staff of Undip LPPM, Head of Pekalongan,Bapeda Ir. Bambang Iriyanto, M.Sc., Head of Wonopringgo, Ms. Rachmawati, S.IP., MM., And all participants of the Undip Team I 2018/2019.

There were more than 20 booths held in the expo containing the work of students, village potential and MSMEs. Some of the products were held from 4 sub-districts namely Wonokerto, Wonopringgo, Tirto and Bojong, one of which was liquid fish waste / pulikan fertilizer. Pulikan fertilizer are fish offals which can be processed into liquid organic fertilizer (POC), the fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which is useful to accelerate plant growth. On the coast of Pekalongan, fish have many benefits other than just the meat, since the offal waste and fish wash water can be used as the POC.

Utilization of fish waste also reduces environmental pollution caused by the processing of fish that are thrown away without regard to negative impacts on the environment.

In his speech, the Head of P2KKN of Undip, Dr.Edy Prasetyo, explained that this KKN is a form of education by providing learning experiences to students to interact with communities outside the campus, and directly identify problems and help deal with problems faced by the community in the development of the region at the KKN location, “he explained.

“One of the mandatory programs for students as undergraduate graduation requirements among the diversity of the implementation of the Tri Dharma Higher Education mission which includes education, research and community service, KKN activities are also a good choice for realizing synergy between campus communities and citizens “Edy said.

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