A Lightweight and Earthquake Resistant Bricks by Undip’s Vocational Students Manages to Won an Award in Malaysia

TET-BRICK (TETRIS BRICK), an innovation of Lightweight Brick and Earthquake Resistant Interlock System with Tetris Game Installation Method invented by a group of Diponegoro University Vocational School Semarang students won a gold medal and special awards in the field of construction on the international event which took place in Malaysia just recently.

Together with his four friends, namely Fauziah Febrianti from Civil Engineering 2017, Naffaza Rachma from Civil Engineering 2017, M. Daud Yusuf Civil from Engineering 2017, Nurhidayatulloh from Civil Engineering 2017, and Umron Romzi from Civil Engineering 2016, they attended 2019 International Innovation, Creativity, Technology and Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The event, which was held by the international WIIPA (World Invention Intellectual Property Associations) institutions, was attended by 12 countries including Canada, South Korea, India, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan. The purpose of this event was to exhibit the potential innovation from the inventors around the world. This event was held to create collaboration between inventors / organizations in Malaysia with the internationals, and to foster an interest in research for young innovators throughout the world. This exhibition is grouped into 8 classes / categories, including class A Agriculture, and Food Technology, Class B Automotive, Transportation and Industrial Design, Class C Biotechnology, Health and Chemicals, Class D Building, Construction, and Materials, Class E. I. C. T, Multimedia & Telecommunications, Class F Manufacturing Processes and Machines, Class G Environmental and Renewable Energy, and Class H Social Sciences.

According to Umron Romzi, the team leader said that the demand for housing construction in Indonesia was very high,expensive, takes a long construction process, and did not guarantee an eco-friendly environment.So, the idea of this is to make material innovation that was economical, fast, and friendly for the environment which is a lightweight brick with the name TET-BRICK.

“The material that we use are glass waste and zeolite stone because glass waste can replace 60% of the use of cement.Zeolite stones themselves can absorb pollution and heat around the construction area,” said Umron Romzi, the student of Undip Vocational School.

If normal brick is usually installed using cement as an adhesive, TET-BRICK does not use adhesive because the design of this innovation uses an interlocutory system such as installation in tetris games.

“Compared to brick in general, our brick is generally stronger because the design itself has an interlock system or can be called interlocking,” he said.

This innovation fulfills the concept of sustainable green construction because this innovation has successfully reduced the use of cement, mining aggregate material, carbon dioxide pollution, and heat around the construction area.The bricks is also utilizes glass waste as its materials.

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