Re-Obtaining Rotating Trophy of Teaching Farm Charoend Pokphand 2019, FPP UNDIP Became The Best of Indonesia

Recently, on 15-16 October 2019, PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (CPI) Tbk was holding a National Cage Gathering in Jakarta. This annual event is a forum for universities and PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia to keep in touch and communicate.

In total, there were 10 universities that attended the event starting from Undip, IPB, UGM, UB, UNS, UNSOED, UNUD, UNHAS, to UNAND. The event was also attended by all directors of PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia to jointly discuss the teaching farm in each tertiary institution.

The 2019 National Cage Gathering is expected to be a forum between universities to collaborate and share experiences in preparing prospective graduates, especially from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry in order to understand livestock issues and be responsive to the perception of poultry modernization in Indonesia.

To achieve this, PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia has collaborated with 10 tertiary institutions to build a teaching farm in the form of a close house. The close house grant aims to enable universities to have modern teaching farms that are professionally managed.

Hadi Gunawan as President Commissioner of PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia also stated that with the existence of this closed house enclosure grant, it is expected that lecturers and students will be more familiar with poultry farming modern technology, so that they can find more effective and efficient methods of broiler farming in order to reduce the basic cost of poultry production . Thus, in the future graduates of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry can become professional close house managers.

To see the effectiveness and efficiency of close house enclosure management in 10 universities that receive grants, every year PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia will assess and evaluates which university that has the best management. In 2019, after being evaluated from all aspects, FPP Undip has managed to become the best in Indonesia.

“Representing the entire academic community of FPP Undip, I am very thankful for this achievement. Hopefully in the future FPP Undip can continue to maintain the rotating trophy of PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. We have indeed used the teaching farm to help the learning process so that students can be skillful in poultry cultivation in closed cages. Lecturers and students have also been directed to conduct research in teaching farms for the development of knowledge. Also, this teaching farm has become one of the revenues generating activities in FPP Undip. The results are becoming a source of funding for the development of teaching facilities “said the Dean of FPP Undip, Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono, M.S., M.Agr.

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